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RE: Wedding Day!

in #family7 years ago

Words cannot express just how happy I am for you both. Much prayer and weeping has happened on your behalf over the past few years and I am so thankful that God has brought you both to an even better place than you were before. I love you guys with all my heart! Praise God!


Well said. We cried out for this family many times, and it is amazing to see what God can do, when people let Him. Praise God!

Let's resteem this so that more can see!

@snowpea - I've known you since high school, and I am glad that I still do. We will continue praying for you guys. Tell Jared that I said hi, and that I love him!

Interesting, due to a glitch, it shows that I resteemed your post, but it never went through, so now it won't let me....

I'm not surprised that stuff happens to me all the time haha!! Besides, it's the thought that counts. 🙂 I truly appreciate your kind words and can't wait to see you guys again!! We love you too!!

The prayers of you and your family and other prayer warriors definitely paid off!! You guys have been such a blessing to us over the years, we just wish you were closer! :)

Me too! Hopefully we can stop by over Thanksgiving :)

That would be great!! 🙂

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