in #family7 years ago (edited)


Have you noticed the increase in 'awareness' about fostering over the last few years? The constant radio adverts? The increased TV appearances from Child-line...?

I would assume, that the answer from the general public, would be "meh, I suppose". I would go even further to say that most folk, who have noticed, have invested no more than 5 minutes thought into perusing the subject further.

I mean no offense by this. I have been 'looking the other way' like many others. Of coarse the adverts on the Telly make me want to help, no child deserves any kind of harm. And its not as if it hasn't got its financial benefits too. It is tempting...

"But kids are so violent and unpredictable these days. Just watch the news!! What if I get a kid like that? I don't think I could cope..I'm sure there are loads of families out there taking up the slack and giving a loving home. Yeah, they will be OK. Leave it to all those couples who can't have kids".

I will hold my hand up and be the first to say, that is how I see 'Fostering'.

In my lifetime I have only ever known one family who Fosters. But that is all I know about them. No gossip. No Drama. I honestly have never looked at the numbers involved until today.

I normally write articles about government and corporate corruption. However, my last article was a short piece I decided to write about Forced adoption. The only reason I wrote the article was because I came across a youtube video of an MEP giving a passionate speech about the increasing levels of forced adoption in the UK. I can't recall what I was originally searching for, but it stopped me in my tracks...

From this one, short, video I discovered two chilling facts I had never heard.

  1. 1000 children A MONTH are going into 'care', just in the UK.

  2. The UK is the ONLY country to have a law that gives Social workers the power to APPLY for a 'Forced adoption' order. Allowing Children to be placed into care against their own will(yes kids have an opinion) and against the will of the Parent(s). (I will demonstrate this terrible process later on).

A light bulb appeared above my head.78.jpg

I remembered a link I had shared a while ago. (I have a 'conspiracy theory' page on Facebook that I used before I came to Steemit). It was about a couple who had their Child taken into care, at gunpoint.(yes, gunpoint).

The two reports seemed to fit together and I was happy to spread a good word. It was one of my shortest articles but it had an instant response...

A fellow Steemian ( @markwhittam ), left a compliment in the comments box and said he would be interested to read anything else I did on the subject and that he would promote it through his other Steemit profile( @familyprotection )

I won't deny that the success of my last article has made writing a sequel an easy decision. But I can hold my hand on my heart and say that I write this with honourable and compassionate intentions.

There is also a great advantage to myself being the author of this investigation. I am looking at it from a very basic perspective. For within this subject I am a complete 'noob'(Think that's what my daughter calls me). I have literally typed into google the words 'Foster Care' and I will now present my findings.

Before I start, I will openly admit this to be an investigation with an agenda to find fault. This does not, however, make it an unreliable source of evidence as any responsible person would hopefully do the same before taking on such a huge responsibility.


So I've used these two simple words and asked the worlds most popular search engine to look for information. I press enter with cynical anticipation. After the video I had just seen and with the haunting agony of the MEP's voice still echoing through my conscience, I was almost dreading the horror stories that were about to appear...

Page 4. Still more adverts and generic government approvals. I'm almost relieved that the only thing to catch my eye, was the abundance of web pages mentioning or controlled by a company named, F C A or Foster Care Associates. It was dutifully noted before I continued on. Page 5. Click...

Yawn...same old, same old. FCA this. FCA that. Maybe this was a bad idea?


So I don my Magnum P.I. shirt, wig and mustache. Pour myself a Whiskey, Straight. Turn the lights down low and close the blinds...It's time to go to work.67.jpg

Screenshot-2017-11-27 THE NATIONAL FOSTER CARE ASSOCIATION SERVICES LIMITED Free business summary taken from official compa[...].png

Screenshot-2017-11-27 THE NATIONAL FOSTER CARE ASSOCIATION SERVICES LIMITED Free business summary taken from official compa[...](1).png

Mr Geoffrey Gordon Wilson, eh? Well it would be rude not to look at the Career of such a worthy Gentleman. I mean he must have a heart of gold to be a Director, of what seems to be the umbrella company for the whole Fostering industry. His career must be littered with similar positions of responsibility...
Screenshot-2017-11-27 MR GEOFFREY GORDON WILSON director information Free director information Director id 904359462.png

"Mr Geoffrey Gordon Wilson holds 3 appointments at 3 active companies, has resigned from 25 companies and held 3 appointments at 3 dissolved companies. GEOFFREY began their first appointment at the age of 39. Their longest current appointment spans 22 years, 5 months and 4 days at REDHEAD MUSIC LIMITED" - Source -

He's a music lover, so it seems. Maybe this guy isn't a corporate clone out to make a 'Buck'?

Or maybe not...

Screenshot-2017-11-27 MR GEOFFREY GORDON WILSON's director profile Review key details about current and historic company ap[...].png

I won't bother displaying the further 3 pages as they are filled with the same, predictable narrative.

It is not unfair to say that this guy is a 'Businessman' and a highly skilled one at that. But I will try to stay as impartial as possible. He is only the director, after all. So how is he directing his new 'Business'? I suppose a good place to start is to find out how many Foster companies and associations are covered beneath the FCA umbrella.
The easiest place to start was, again. In the company checker search-bar, I typed in the phrase, 'Foster Care'. As the results will show, I think it gives us a fair representation.

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Foster Care, Company and Director Search .png

Just a few private companies then. But lets look at something more realistic. I can't imagine to be the usual way someone would search, so for the benefit of realism, I will return to Google..


Screenshot-2017-11-27 Fostering Fostering Agency Foster Carers FCA.png
Screenshot-2017-11-27 Fostering Fostering Agency Foster Carers FCA(1).png
Source -

So what else do the F C A stand for? Well were better to hear it, than from the horse's mouth

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Foster Care Associates Core Assets.png
Source -

OK then, so besides having a Green Beret of Finance at the helm and the omission made by the FCA, that they have had 30,000 clients 'on the books'(Just in-case you missed that). It appears we have little to go on.

34.jpg I pour myself another Scotch and return to look through the archives.

Google search, "FCA accused"...



Screenshot-2017-11-27  Foster Care Associates, Bromsgrove Adoption Fostering - Yell.png
Source -

It sounds as if this Foster Carer needs someone to turn to. I had never considered this side of the industry so it seemed a good trail to follow. A few clicks later and I stumble on a site called "Foster Line". It was over the sub-heading, "Allegations against Foster Carers".

Another crumb?

Indeed it was. The site goes into various aspects of Carers having allegations made against them. The allegations can come from the Child in care, the birth Parent, a neighbour or even the Social workers themselves. When you read what foster line have to say, you get a better perspective of how you could all easily find yourself in a very bad situation.

Once a complaint has been logged and an investigation begins, things appear to go from bad to worse. It also appears that not only do the FCA, immediately, separate themselves from the 'accused', they also stand to gain from the dire situation. From these passages taken from the Independent help line, that is offered to families, like the one who gave the scathing review, I hope to demonstrate this with shocking clarity.


"The reasons for such allegations can vary. Sometimes, birth parents make allegations as they believe this may cause the child to be returned home. On other occasions, the child in foster care may make an allegation because they also believe that this will enable them to go home."

"Other times, it is because they are unhappy with their placement and want to move, or it could be for another reason entirely. The motives behind allegations are often complex and it is only in a minority of cases that they are found to be true."

"Sadly, children do not always realise the consequences for them and for their foster family when they make false allegations."

"They may do this on the spur of the moment, because they are angry about something that has been said or done, or because they are looking for an excuse for their own behaviour. Often they will retract the allegation when they have calmed down, but unfortunately all too often the damage has been done and the placement will have ended."

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Allegations Against Foster Carers Fosterline.png

OK, I suppose there has to be a...WTF! HOLD UP. HOLD UP. Exactly what is "Standards of care issues, SUCH AS being treated differently from other family members" supposed to mean? Now as I have said I am a total Noob, but I recognise 'Legalese' when I see it. Screenshot-2017-11-27 legalese - Google Search.png

So I have to wonder why they feel the need to use this vague definition in such an important matter. With today's Agenda for pushing the, Nazi styled, notion of 'Social Responsibility', which gives government the ability to control social behaviors(as described in many of my usual articles) by the basic concept of brain-washing the apathetic majority and then vilifying the rebellious minority. A very successful technique which has its roots embedded in the polluted gardens of secret government agencies.(Now if I do have any regular followers, they will know I am chomping at the bit to 'wax literal' about the enigmatic, Edward Bernays. His poisonous tentacles have definitely reached this industry, as it has every other aspect of your life. He is one of the most important figures in history so I feel the need to at least leave you a link to find out more about 'Uncle Eddy').

I think I have found a possible reason for the desperation expressed in the Review of the FCA and it will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up...
Source -( Allegations Against Foster Carers Fosterline(1).png

You may want to sit down for this bit...

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Allegations Against Foster Carers Fosterline(2).png

Now I consider myself a seasoned 'Justice Seeker'( I am not a 'truth' seeker as I already have evidence to prove that the truth has been found). I am also very cynical. I consider both of these traits very useful when looking at Public services. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but most won't bother to consider, the amounts of money that change hands in just one of these cases. As you can see, it involves the FCA, the Social Services, the Police, the use of another Foster carer and of coarse Lawyers...No doubt a team of lawyers. All looking after the interest of those lucky enough to afford them. Those that can't afford a decent Lawyer are left to pick from the 'Ladder Climbers'.

Now if you have ever been in custody, you will know that you get appointed a free solicitor, to 'fight' your case. You then realise that you have a 'Yes man' using you in the same way a trainee hairdresser uses a Fake head to practice on.
ty.jpg And 99% of the time, they have similar results!

But lets be serious here and not ignore the elephant in the room. With a system like this, I am beginning to see how they are fulfilling their targets of putting 1000 children A MONTH in to 'care'.

With this being a Public responsibility to cover the cost, accountability is almost void and the cheque's are blank.

Remember the Director of the FCA is a 'Businessman' and if you employ somebody who has had his whole career and reputation dependent on creating profitable companies, then this horrific set of circumstances are actually, good for business. To find less invasive ways would create fewer kids going through a revolving network of Care-homes and fewer private companies. Mr Geoffrey Gordon Wilson's Job and Huge Salary, relies on it's perpetual system of chaos.

Put simply. If the Foster Carers, who posted the 1 star review, had 3 children of their own. Then now we must assume the FCA have only 997 more children to 'help', this month. But that shouldn't take long considering these stats. Source - Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf(2).png

Before we go any further I would like to remind us all, how horrifying these 'Forced Adoptions' actually are for the Children involved. Lest we forget...

The example I have used is only one case and it focuses mainly on the Carer and the FCA.

1000 more children, every month, are being lost within this heartless machine and I will have this experience described to you, in way of a poem. Before you read this amazing Poem I would like you to look at this short passage from the 2015 ofsted report.
Source - Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf.png.(Source -

Eyes watered in tears
Heart beating so loud in despair
Breath frozen, for that moment I felt dead
I knew I was about to experience the saddest days of my life
Well I had a sense of comfort because I was almost of age
But my dearest little sister was not
For she was just a little child.

The sight of been separated from our parents was damning
For my legs could not bear to stand
Neither could the rivers of tears flowing from my eyes seem to dry up
Endless it was and each day a part of me fell apart
In group home was I with my dear sister feeling alone and rejected
But at least I felt a warmth in my heart, because she had me.

I got a lot of care and love from my parents
For I had grown older to have felt their love for many years
But my sister was just a kid, a little child !
A princess who was deprived from feeling the complete scope of her parents' heart
Taken from all she understood to be family and blood
For she was just a child.

Aging out of the system was supposed to be a joy
Except it wasn't joy at all!
I had spent about two dozen months and I won't wish this experience on any
My dearest parents had wrapped their hands around me in tears
Tears of both joy and sadness for they had only one of their child back instead of twain
I was free from the system and all those pains.
But I was still sad, still sorrowful and still teary
For my dearest sister is now alone
Having no family at all, very alone
My heart pounds in despair every second
Knowing I can no longer protect her
Knowing she is all alone in that vast universe of despair!
I don't care how long it takes me, I will fight to have her back,
My Dearest sister... I was free yet bond
She was just a little Child!.


But there is hope. I am by far the only person raising these concerns and the site I have just come across, not only describe the situation perfectly, they also take the same route as I was intending to do.

Source -
Screenshot-2017-11-27 The Foster Care Business – Corporate Watch.png

And I hope you noticed who was first on there, surprisingly large, list of suspects.

I will conclude this part by leaving a few links for you to look at. I'm doing this not out of laziness but because I believe the description I have given, about the FCA, would be much the same if I was to describe any of the other private companies. 201 according to As the FCA seem to be the 'big boy on the block' I would assume they receive the majority of contracts from the government, as they are the most 'successful' business. This should give us a reliable overview and point of reference.

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Directors urge crackdown on ‘immoral’ profiteering from fostering - Community Care.png
Source -

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Foster care – Child Care Proceedings Exposed.png
Source -


As we all know "Money is the root of all Evil" or maybe that should be envy? Whatever the answer maybe, that proverbial warning is my golden rule and it should always be. Especially when dealing with UK/GOV.Ltd. and its, all too often, slimy sub-contractors. Now figures and stats are meaningless without a reference point so I have used this official statistic from 2012 to help us grasp the true amounts of money being exchanged. Source - Allegations Against Foster Carers Fosterline.png Screenshot-2017-11-27 Children in care - Children-in-care1 pdf.png

So I am more than pleased to find a website with such good content, for me to absorb and then disseminate.
Source -
Screenshot-2017-11-27 The Foster Care Business – Corporate Watch(2).png

So our Director is MR G.G.Wilson is on nearly HALF A MILLION £££ PER YEAR!!(I think I picked a good title) but lets not waste any more effort on that particular turd.

"I'm obscenely rich, therefore I am"

So lets conclude by gathering together our new found perspective, on the Foster care industry.

  1. In 2013 there were 68,110 children in the care system.
  2. £2.5 Billion was spent by our government throughout 2012- 2013
  3. There are at least 201 foster care companies(taken from companycheck results)
  4. The Director of the largest private Foster agency is being paid £406,000(Declared earnings)
  5. There is a breakdown in relationships between Social worker and Foster carer, being reported around the UK.
  6. There were 7,245 'un-planned endings' in 2014-2015.
  7. If you become a Carer and fail to meet the current gov minimum standards, you not only loose your lively hood, you also risk loose your OWN CHILDREN.

So with £2.5 billion coming from the Gov and an untold amount invested into over 200 private Fostering companies, there is, as always, only one winner...

THE BANKS who fund all of the loans.

From what we hear today, it is highly likely that companies as large as the FCA will use off-shore accounts that save companies millions, every year. Causing an intentional void that will be filled by more loans. And then we will have more laws to raise taxes for these loans. And then more social regulation will be made to befall even more honest carers and innocent children. This in turn, causing a Black hole that will hollow out the foundations of the next working class generation and fill the pockets of those who choose to perpetuate this disgusting system. It goes on to feed the prison system and the continuous stereotype of a failed generation of unworthy Parents.

LETS BRING AN END TO FORCED ADOPTION. The U.K. is the only country who trade in this commodity and believe me they treat this as a trade like any other.

The people behind this do not live by the rules they make and they do not care about what is best for you or your children.

I will finish this article with some passages taken from the latest National Ofsted Audit. Source -

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf(4).png

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf(6).png
Screenshot-2017-11-27 Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf(7).png
Screenshot-2017-11-27 Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf(8).png
Screenshot-2017-11-27 Official statistics - SFR release template - Fostering_in_England_2014-15 pdf(9).png

Thank you so much to @markwhittam for setting me this challenge. I hope this is close to what you are looking for. I've learned a lot from researching for this article and had so much more I could have added. Would be my honour to expose more elements of this disgraceful government slave racquet. Hope everyone will follow and support @familyprotection for there amazing work.

up-vote, follow and re-steem if you think this article deserves it.

peace and love to you and yours

565.jpg Rebel Dan


Your post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.

Thanks and glad to help the cause.

Thank-you for doing this research.
I did not know that there were organizations specifically to find and organize Foster Families. Your article shows that this is even the case in Canada. This shows how big a business kidnapping children via the government is.

I don't think that anybody who has children of their own still living at home, should consider being a foster parent. It puts your own children at way too much risk by allowing these monsters (Social Workers) into your home and lives where they can manufacture a reason to take your own children away from you.

This has happened on many occasions. On one occasion, the caseworker who placed the child under the parent was always demanding a cut from the fund sent to the foster parent. "How sick is that?", This went out of hand and the foster parent got herself in the midst of wolves after refusing to comply to do that!. Her kids plus the foster children under her care got removed. This is the type of society we are in now. God Help us all!

You're welcome and a bonus that its given you knew info. The FCA are huge by the sound of things and they have hubs all over Europe. There are some absolute monsters out there in the land of Social workers, but my Mum is one and I know she has a heart of gold. The stress of the job is horrendous and she has had so many disciplinary's for thing that have been invented by other staff members. If you don't tow the party line the bosses harass you, it seems. I tell my Mum all the time to leave her job. At least while she is there, then some of the kids are safe. The rotten eggs need exposing so will always keep digging. I've done a coarse on safeguarding kids and at the training DAY I had to speak up and ask why we had to always be so suspicious. I remember he came back with a horrible example of a local coach caught after being a long term nonse. Man I had forgotten all about that coarse, it was for my old cricket team, I will have to look through the manual they gave us all. Cheers for the support. peace to you and yours

Hello @canadian-coconut, I hope you are well. This is not a begging post but I am sorry to have to do this, I wouldn't normally.I am contacting all the 'big dogs' I know, to ask a favour... Could you check out my latest article and give your support, a re-steem from you could make a big difference. It is for a great cause, I am sure you will agree. Merry Christmas to you and yours, much love.

Thank you @article61 for putting together this information, when you look at the figures, it's plain to see what it's all about.

I believe raising awareness and creating support groups on decentralized media tools such as steemit will prove to be a huge step in the right direction, especially when all this goes mainstream.

Thanks for responding and putting together such a well researched post.

Glad to have your angle on this GROWING problem.


It was my pleasure to do a good deed bro. Will definitely return to the subject and try put my spin on things.
Glad you liked it and thank you for the support too, I've been a busy bee on here lately so its nice to really feel like part of the steemit community. I will try to do the same to others. Peace.

This is so great!, I practically love Truth-Seekers. It is heart-aching seeing all this happen around the world. Thank you for this wonderful piece!. Please use the #familyprotection tag whenever you post anything relating to child protective agencies and the foster system corruption.. Thanks Again!

Thank you so much for that fantastic compliment and the support. A very worthy cause in-deed. Peace

You have been most thorough and precise in your documentation of this problem and this post is great evidence in framing the issues for resolution. I hope folks take the time to read this through and see the videos. Children are not property to make money off of. This is a cousin to child labor for profit. And who are profiting? Certainly not the children. The only get the emotional baggage and psychological hurt. We as a society can do better to help the helpless and vulnerable in not getting eaten up by the machine. Thanks for sharing on this important concern we hold as important.

More than welcome bud. Thank you for the compliments too, that is nice to hear.(I may need a bigger hat).
Their is no bigger issue than child welfare, surely. So it was a pleasure to write. For me it is all about peeling the layers off. There is so much to understand, it makes my head hurt :) But the money trail is always a dead cert. Thanks again for your support.

Excellent research. I've read a good deal of terrible cases in the British press, but none mentioned the financial part of this 'big business'.

Thanks I am glad I could throw a different shade of light on the matter. Always follow the money, James corbett taught me that. Peace.

Another piece of exceptional research on the subject of child abuse.
It is a satanic enterprise. Why?

Because, an assault on our children is an assault on each of us, even of them themselves who in self-destructive evil commit these crimes:

Mark 10:13 - 10:16 (AKJV)

13 And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and [his] disciples rebuked those that brought [them].
14 But when Jesus saw [it], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
16 And he took them up in his arms, put [his] hands upon them, and blessed them.

Thank you for leaving a comment @globocop. love the name!

What I really hate about the poem.

I don't care how long it takes me, I will fight to have her back,...

What usually happens is that there is sooo much red tape and bureaucracy in the way that most people give up, or give in to a plea deal.

It is very sad.

Our schools, and now our foster care are now just jails, for smaller humans.

thanks for your support. You make a fine point and one I have covered in this article
take a look. I have made a complaint and the School have listened. The amazing receptionist has found a way to block the secret files. They have promised that they will not be shown. People can make a difference, we are not mad :)
keep up the good fight.

You have really put this beautiful piece together. I want to be able to adopt some day, but I do not know what the government would end up doing.

Thank you @gloglo it would make me think twice now I know this. But thinking of a way to solve it, is the key. Education is a good start.

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