CNN is such a joke these days

in #fakenews6 years ago
Not that I can name one network that gets a pass at this point in time, but CNN in particular keeps on volunteering themselves into the sea of stupidity. I don't think I'm exaggerating not even a little bit. By all means, I know the situation is dire out there, I'm not trying to downplay what's going on, but this picture, this one picture says everything we need to know, everything

I have to laugh, as to not cry

I can imagine how this whole thing happened of course, complete speculation from my part, but completely plausible. There they are, arriving to the scene trying to figure out what is the best place for them to record their reporting. They walk around, the water is high, it's actually high enough to be inside most homes and It has caused at this point millions of dollars of damage. But, and this is a big but, it's not epic, not enough!!!!

Where are the bodies, the explosions, the little grandma floating on an inflatable mattress? No, no, this can't do, we are CNN we sell fear, this is not scary, it's just sad. Then, in a moment of brilliant stupidity the decide. "Here... STAND IN THIS DITCH..... Ohhhh perfect!!!!" and Boom my friends, ilusion complete.


What is that? Are you kidding me? Reporting ethically would not sell one single ad, they are not stupid, they have to make their monies, no no. They are going to do what's right for them, for their pockets. Look, they brought their #2 or #3, depending on who you ask, most influential talking head, Cooper, hypocrite Cooper.

I'm done....

I've said it before but it's my fault. Every single time I click on news videos and such because I want to know what's going on, I immediately regret it. Truth is, I want to know what's going on, I have friends who are probably flooded right now, with no electricity and thus no internet. But, where can I find out? Where? Not CNN, that's for sure, not CNN.

I know I joke about the word a lot, but on this particular occasion its 100% accurate....


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I used to work for the national news media (freelance field producer and technician for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX and many more) and worked floods and yeah, I have seen reporters do this...go put on the hip waders and stand in a ditch to give the impression that this is the water depth everywhere. If you have seen news made, you won't believe much of it. I have and I don't.

this is so disappointing to me, its horrible... im already skeptic, this kills me. Who can I believe?

Any time you point a camera you are choosing what is news and what isn't. You always look for the most dramatic shot, the one where the water is really raging even if all around is calm. You look for the one loud nut in the crowd and they get the closeup. You say something to make the person you interview cry and that is the 30 seconds you use out of the 60 minutes of dry eyed footage, implying that these extremes are the way it all is. And yeah, it often pretty fake.

No relation.

hahahhaha Poly, you love CNN?

/me prepares to wage war

No, I mean that Anderson is not related to me despite having the same last name. (He's a Vanderbilt on the other side so he's probably doing ok.)

hahahaha i thought he was your cousin poly... i do see the resemblance now that i think about it

I remember the dramatic footage of the reporter filming from a canoe in the middle of the street and then the 2 people walk by with the water up to their ankles. Pathetic

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I found this one! hahahahha

You said it FAKE NEWS wasn't a word until Trump and now it is used and seen everywhere. It is pathetic how they do things to get a story.

but then they want us to believe them on other things... they don't know how much they hurt themselves, they have no clue.

That is where I disagree. I think they do have a clue; they know exactly how they look to critically thinking people. The thing is, they discount that audience as already lost and focus on targeting the gullible majority, which they believe to be the majority of Americans, which they believe will believe anything they say, no matter how stupid it looks.

sadly you might be 100% correct on this one... sadly

TV news is losing viewers with each generation and people only tune in for serious things like 9/11. Everything else is a waste of time.

Ese es amarillismo puro jajaja.
No es para reirse, pero lo que hacen estas cadenas de noticias es muy deplorable, solo por VENDER una NOTICIA.

CNN and the weather channel have to make things interesting to get the ratings

precisely, but its pathetic to say the least

my man, its been a joke for quite awhile now. sad to say. long live cnn (not really.) sorry not sorry

i’d only flag if i were a whale. maybe

It would appear that Anderson "Mockingbird" Cooper gets his marching orders from his handlers at Clowns In Action.

Never doubt how far one measly summer placement in Langley will carry you!

Mockingbird Cooper, i love it...

Thanks! Too bad we couldn't upvote Anderson for not flying very far from his nest. :)

Operation Mockingbird
Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.According to writer Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed after a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In the 1970s, Congressional investigations and reports also revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups. None of these reports, however, mentions an Operation Mockingbird coordinating or supporting these activities.

Wonder what they want to get out of this

ratings.. more viewership but they are destroying their rep... its harakiri

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