
OK. Here's my post. Feel free to read it. Maybe it answers some questions. Maybe you'll still be at the same conclusion. But at least you'll have a little more logical explanation to the reason for the phenomenon in the first video shown above.

It is interesting that there are cases of the AP getting news about things before they happen. I am thinking of how they apparently had news about the collapse of WTC 7 before it collapsed. Not sure how that happened.

The Associated Press DOES explain a lot of the scripted near verbatim speech.

It does not explain the instances of people claiming to be reporting from Iraq during the invasion while caught clearly on a set in the U.S. (CNN). Or in New York claiming to be interviewing someone in London to see the same cars pass behind each person at different intervals as though they were simply standing on different street corners of the same block.

Some news is FAKE. That news is generally on the mainstream media and with big networks like CNN.

It is not all FAKE but some of it is. Distinguishing which is fake and which is not becomes a concern.

The issue here is that it was THESE channels as well as the political administration (Obama) that came out attacking FAKE NEWS and making lists.

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