What happens when the corrupt get together and collude.

in #fakenews7 years ago

When you have a captured state and they are starting to find out, the best defense is a good diversion... or so the state capturer's thought.

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But what if the advice you acquire at great cost and utilize, ends up ruining its economy and killing the very state you have captured?

The ruining of the economy under a corrupted government is an inevitable result, but the death of the country under the parasitic load is usually a long and lingering. Funds for maintenance of basic infrastructure and services are the first to be diverted. As these become dysfunctional and decay, basic economic activity become increasingly difficult.

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As life become more and more difficult its easy to start looking for someone to blame. This is easiest when there is already an "us and them" society, or existing ethnic diversity.

Its not hard to see where corruption, ethnic and other divisions exist simply buy looking at the map below compiled by Genocide Watch

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South Africa has a history of poor race relations due to discriminatory/racist practices and government policies and laws in the past.

These were miraculously abandoned and a new government and constitution adopted over two decades ago, however old divisions remain simmering beneath the surface.

This new government has turned out to be much like the old, only oppression results from squandering of state assets and resources.

The widespread and collusive extent of this is now coming to light in graphic detail through leaks of email of parties involved in the matter, which I describe in this post

As more and more of state capture has been getting into the press the parties have entered into a diversionary campaign, enlisting the services of a British PR firm, Bell Pottinger to guide them on building the diversionary narratives.

The leaked emails and other sources confirm just how intricate this involvement was and coming at the cost of 100 000 pounds per month.

Documents seen by the Sunday Times as well as interviews with key players reveal that an aggressive strategy to portray the Guptas as victims of a conspiracy involving "white monopoly capital" caused a major rift in British PR firm Bell Pottinger - resulting in the exit of one of the company's founders, apparently in protest.

A document circulating in government circles, and which appears to have been compiled with the assistance of former Bell Pottinger staffers, makes startling claims about the firm's role in a social media drive that sought to turn the tables on those accusing the Guptas of "state capture".

The PR firm "sought to divert public outcry towards the Gupta family and refocus attention upon other examples of state interference and capture, notably by 'white monopoly capital'", the document says. "With a heavy focus upon use of social media, a series of fake bloggers, commentators and Twitter users have been launched in an effort to manipulate public opinion ."

Soon after Bell Pottinger took up the contract, said to be worth £100000 (about R1.5-million) a month, there was indeed a massive social media campaign targeting the Treasury, sections of the media and business personalities deemed to be opposed to Zuma and the Gupta family.

Bell Pottinger has denied any involvement in the social media campaign, also saying its contract was with Oakbay Investments and not the Gupta family, who had resigned from all directorships in their companies in April last year.


The "white monopoly narrative" and its hangers on, shifted South Africa up on the Genocide Watch risk scale one notch, from "Organisation" to "Polarisation"

you can read more here

Nothing much has changed, good old propaganda has now become "fake news" propagated via bots etc. on social media and masterminded by PR companies and is no longer limited to governments.

Anybody with deep enough pockets and something to hide can now do it from the other side of the world and even destabilize an entire country in the process.


Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading it. It's true that the government and the rich people have been collaborating in many ways. When political party runs for election, they need money and they go for the rich people, in return they will offer the rich people some policies that favor them if they get elected.

Totally true. Rich people always will have the power. Most of them earned it. Empires rise and they fall. Us little minnows have the same goals since the beginning of time. Work hard, stay out of trouble and try to make the best out of life.

Corruption is also big problem to Indonesia, who can stop it? I think low punishment made em to do it again and again. Death penalty is the way to minimaze corroption cases. Wat do u think @gavvet?

It's frustrating. In the one hand the internet gives us massive amounts of alternative news to state propaganda. Checking for fake news is easier than ever. But on the other hand, most people don't bother using that power and swallow state propaganda even faster.
Blockchain is in it's infancy like the internet in the 90's. Hope it stays that way.

@gavvet Could you check my latest post? It's for a good cause. Helping a friend with cystic fibrosis.

The blockchains in my eyes have the capability to start a difference. It's more honest and gives more opportunities to the poor. I really hope it takes that direction. Good insight.



But they may end up in the wrong hands... look at ripple.

That is why multiple systems/millions of currencies must exist. No "one blockchain" to rule them all.

Here's Mark Passio explaining Government.

cool @gavvet

Hello dear friend
Happy day for you and the whole family
Although I do not know what to write about the subject of political or economic corruption
But my friend is very much in the African country, and my country also suffers from great political and political corruption. And there is no solution to avoid crises. What we hear from the right is not
I hope that there will be correct economic and political solutions
Apologize for the English not good English
And finally .. Thank you my friend

I have not traveled the world but I can not imagine a government that is not influenced by corrupt practices. The larger the government the greater the corruption and injustice. It does not matter if you are speaking of the USof A
or the Uof SA. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton (Lord Acton, 1834-1902)

Very interesting read. The powerful will cling to power by whatever means.

Is that pic of the fed meeting on jekyl island in 1913? lol I cant wait for crypto to create the biggest transfer of wealth in history!

Crypto is transferring wealth, that is for sure, but I am not so sure it is immune to the problems of the past.

I reckon @cyberblock's prediction could be 100% right!

Other people are alluding to the same sort of transformation @gavvet.


There is no reason to believe that the banks and the governments aren't already deeply invested in Cryptocurrency. I'm not sure we will be transferring wealth as much as we will be changing the medium in which their wealth resides.

The banks will be delighted as they will be able to reduce their headcounts when the blockchain validates their transactions without the need for so many employees.

I think that cryptocurrencies : blockchain technology will help the common people to circumvent governments and big banks however do you think that they are blind and do not know what is going on? where are the billions of dollars going into cryptocurrencies from? hmmmmm a cause to think ...

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