
I have been working on a 9/11 piece for sometime now but not entirely sure whether Dan and Ned would object to me publishing it on Steemit. It is very sensitive. Stephen

I hope you will publish it - or at least a link to your research on another blog. I for myself will try to publish some of my own thoughts on 9/11 and how I came to my current conviction about it, and of course how it effected me.
I'm not an American, but still the events of 9/11 -watched life on my TV screen- traumatized me and even my children who were still quite young at the time. When the Pentagon was hit, I thought WWIII had broken out and this was the end of the world.
But when I eventually started to question the events of 9/11 the pain was still bigger, if that is even possible.
The thought that the political elites of our closest ally, the supposed center of democracy, could do this to their own people and that the whole of our political system and media would cover it up, shook me to my very core. For a while I lost all trust in the world around me.
But little by little I came back and I realized that the truth about 9/11 might also be a doorway to a better future, a more honest one, where we are less manipulated and susceptible to media propaganda.
Of course even on the internet you always have to check your sources and never forget to think for yourself, evaluating if something is logical or reasonable and if the person who makes a certain claim is trustworthy.
But I have overcome my initial paranoia and have realized that there are far more people who are mostly honest and decent in the world than the opposite, even though many are often mistaken in their beliefs, because they have been fallen for the propaganda of those high level liars.
And because I know how painful it is to let go of the trust one once had in the system one is born into, I have patience for those who don't accept what I consider to be proven and undeniable facts.
It'll take time and that's ok
As far as I can see in my own environment here in Iceland, the majority of the people around and under 30 already do no longer believe in the official 9/11 narrative.

"...and have realized that there are far more people who are mostly honest and decent in the world than the opposite.."..!! This is so true. Thank you for the support I appreciate it. I have been thinking about publishing it on Steemit for nearly five months now and want to wait for when I believe is the right time. This is getting closer. It was very interesting to hear what you said about the under 30's. This is so true. Thanks again for the comment. Stephen

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