
They are

No they're not. Jesus Christ is not English! And "God" was not called God. From what I have learned and read God would be a name used only for the pagan gods. From what I have read I think "Jesus Christ's" English name would be correctly translated as Messiah Son of the One Who is. I think you could maybe translate "Joshua" as "Deliverer" but Jesus and Joshua make it obvious that the bible is not translated correctly since they both had the same name. Their names both had more meaning than just the foreign words we now use for them. If we are going to use foreign words for them then I think we should use their original names.

Yeshua is a Hebrew. Jesus in english language.

Messiah is english. Mesiach in hebrew

Joshua is english. Yehousha is hebrew.

Jesus is not English it's Latin from Greek. So would Jesus's English translated name be Deliverer or Rescuer because "Jesus" real name had meaning. It was just not simply a name so If you translated it correctly you should use the original meaning.

Great conversation

Although names don't mean anything nowadays they did during biblical times. I think we should use the English translation of what the names meant.

Name is very important. There's a hidden message on that

Yeah especially for the real name of "God". I'm not sure Christians should be using the Satanic/Pagan name God for The One Who Is.

IESUS is Latin. Jesus means Salvation.

If Yeshua means Salvation then I think "Jesus" should be called Salvation. I bet the majority of Christians don't even know what Christ means.

Annointed One

Majority of Christians don't even read the bible. Surveys says

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