Steemit Story Slam Challenge 1: The Cursed Bone

in #fairytale8 years ago

In order to gain more exposure for my fairytale series, I have decided to include my newest one in this story slam challenge I came across today. I think a story contest is a fantastic idea, and I would love to be involved!
I hope you enjoy my non-traditional fairytale.

Thank you @prufarchy for hosting this contest

Once upon a time…

In a local farming country, there once was great despair over a massive wild boar with gigantic tusks and a wicked temper. This wild boar would destroy farm fields, kill the cattle and farm animals, and sadly would attack any person it saw by ripping them to pieces with his tusks.
Soon enough, the wealthiest man in the country came forth and offered a reward to anyone that would clear this land of this destructive force. So the best hunters and strongest men had gathered, and one by one, they were all killed by the beast. Afterward, nobody dared go near the boar for it was too big and strong for anyone to capture, and instead had left many of the farmers injured or dead.
Finally, two young and poor brothers from the country came forth and wanted to attempt the feat in order to provide for their family. The elder was a large strong man, skilled in hunting and tracking. While the younger one was a simple and weak man. Realizing that they were going to starve sooner or later, they had decided it was a necessity for the family to obtain this reward. So they devised a plan. Now it was known that the boar lived in the forest, so the young men took opposite ends to enter the forest and would meet in the middle. The youngest one entered from the farthest end away from the town, and the eldest would enter on the town side.
As the youngest one was walking through the woods, he came across a troll. Although the troll was quite scary looking, it was a genuine nice creature who approached the young man and said,
“Come here my boy. You venture into dangerous territory, but as I can sense a pure heart from you, I will provide you will protection so that you may attack the beast without finding your own death.”
Then the troll gave the young man a golden spear and walked away.
As the youngest brother continued through the woods, it wasn’t long before he found the wild boar and as the beast charged at him, he held out the golden spear while the boar rushed into it and impaled itself. The beast was dead, and the youngest brother, unable to carry such a large beast, went in search of his larger brother.
Finally, he reached the end of the woods, the place where his eldest brother was supposed to enter, but instead, the eldest had stood in safety drinking wine, attempting to gain the courage to enter. When they met, the youngest explained how he killed the beast but could not bring it back to claim the reward, but the eldest doubted all the words because of how small his brother was and couldn’t believe he successfully claimed the boar where all the other men had failed.
But upon entering the forest and finding the slain beast, the eldest became envious and his evil heart took over. Wanting the fame and reward for himself, he took a rock and smashed his younger brothers head, killing him right there deep in the woods and buried him under a large boulder. Then he took the wild boar back to town and explained how the beast had killed his brother but in doing so, allowed him the opportunity to attack and slay the beast. The eldest brother received a nice reward along with all the praise the community could give.
The wealthiest man had also offered his daughter to him for marriage, in which he graciously accepted.
But this wasn’t the end, as many years later the forest troll was gathering wood when he came across a massive boulder and near it was a white bone sticking through the ground. The troll knew at once it was the young man he gave his spear to, and became angered and saddened at the same time. So he dug up the rest of the bones, traveled into town, and laid the bones at the eldest brothers feet, who was at this point, very wealthy and married to the finest woman in the country.
“Little man, why you bring me a pile of bones? Do you not know who I am, remove yourself from my lands you beggar!”
The troll plucked a leg bone from the skeleton and held it up to the eldest brother and said,
“This bone is now your bone.... and so it will be until the day you die.”
Then the troll picked up the remaining skeleton and returned to forest to buried him in a wonderful spot underneath a beautiful oak tree.
After the troll had left, the eldest brother scoffed at the troll, then he picked up the bone and tossed it to the dog.
As soon as the dog grabbed the tasty bone it began to chew into it. At once the eldest brother felt a tremendous pain in this leg and fell down in misery. Remembering what the troll had said, he attempted to chase the dog, but as the dog was unwilling to give up his treat, it ran off a short distance still within sight.
Each time the dog took a bite of the bone, the eldest brother fell down screaming in pain and clutching his leg, and each time he got close, the dog would run off.
This chase occurred all day, until the sun had set and the dog retreated into the forest to consume his treat on peace. But the eldest brother needed that bone so he followed the dog into the woods.
Soon enough, the man found the dog with the bone sitting under a great oak tree. As he approached though, the dog took a large bite and broke the bone in two. This caused the man to fall down, unable to get again as his leg was now broken.
Since he was deep into the forest, and nobody had known his whereabouts, he was stranded and couldn’t walk. Days later the eldest brother lay dying underneath that same great oak where his younger brother was buried. But as the troll came to pay his respects, he found the eldest, brought him into town and explained to the people the evil dead he had done.
The townspeople were ashamed of the eldest brother and how he murdered his brother for fame and fortune. So instead of helping him, they tossed him into river where he drowned…

The End



Another very cool fairy tale. Good luck in the contest!

Thank you. Got my fingers crossed :)

It's very interesting post:)
Thank you for sharing , I follow you now..

Now that's MY kind of fairy tale... Thanks so much for making this challenge where you share your latest tale!

I enjoyed the twist on the Cain and Abel theme of brothers keeper and just desserts :)

Hey, I'm glad you liked it. I try to stay away from the happily ever after endings, though I sometimes like those too.
Thanks for making Steemit great with contests, good way to promote community interactions.

Wooh, this makes for a good campfire story.
Not to be impatient because i like the fairytales, but ive been waiting for steemland episode 2. Any idea when we can expect that? You do plan on making an episode 2 right?

Haha. Yeah I have another one coming. Those take a little more time to create but ill put the burner on it, maybe tomorrow? At the latest, I have lots of time on Saturday! Glad someone enjoyed enjoyed it!

Twisted stuff, I liked it! Good luck in the contest

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