Forgotten Fairytales – The Great Wolf

in #fairytale7 years ago

Once upon a time…

The sly fox was talking with the wolf about man, as the wolf had never seen one before. The fox went on and on about how powerful these creatures were, how the animals must be weary and run from man in order to protect themselves. But the great wolf would hear nothing of it,
“Come now fox. You must be weary because you are small and weak. But I am large and possess great strength. If I had the chance of meeting a man, I would show you the greater of the two!”
The sly fox smiled and said,
“I could help you with that if you like. Come to me tomorrow morning and I will show you a man, and we will see.”
The wolf agreed and they went on there way.
When the next morning came, the wolf met the fox and set out to the road. After a short while they came across an elderly cripple hobbling outside his home.
“Is that a man?” said the wolf
“No.” the fox replied, “That used to be a man.”
A short while later they came across a little boy going to school,
“Is that a man?” said the wolf
“No.” the fox replied, “That will be a man.”
A short distance down the road they came across woman carrying a fruit basket,
“Is that a man?” said the wolf
“No.” the fox replied, “That is what keeps a man alive.”
After a long distance a hunter came down the road carrying a double barrel,
“There mighty great wolf, look ahead! That is a man.” the fox said, “Now I will go back to my home, and you come tell me afterwards how it went.”
The wolf laughed at the fox, “You fearful weakling, go back to your hole. I will return with stories of triumph!”
Then the great wolf charger at the hunter, but when the wolf got close the man pulled out the shotgun and fired one into his face. At this distance, the wolf grimaced but wasn’t frightened in the least and continued his charge. When the wolf got close enough and was about to leap, the man fired his second barrel into his belly. This hit the wolf hard, knocking him down, but he swallowed his pain and once again charged the man. This time the hunter pulled from his waist a large knife and gave a few slices before the wolf gave up and ran off.
Bleeding everywhere, the wolf ran back to the fox.
“So great wolf, how have you faired with man?” the fox asked
“Ahhh!” replied the wolf, “I never could have imagined such strength! First, that stick on his shoulder produced thunder and the lightning stuck my face, then my belly. After that he wielded a shinny stone that cut me up and left me nearly lying dead on that road.”
“See wolf! You brag yourself so.” Said the fox
“One of these times you will toss the stone too far that you will not be able to retrieve it back.”

The End



Thanks a bunch! I really enjoy making them

Another great one for the steemit collection

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