Facebook Did Me a Huge Favor

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

This is actually somewhat personal. I haven't actually talked about it in too many places online. At the end of February Facebook Did me a Huge Favor and disabled my account. Why did they do that? The most basic answer is, because they can. Whenever you (or I) do not own a platform that we are using, we can absolutely be kicked off of that platform. Sometimes we deserve it.

In my case, I don't believe I deserved it; however that wasn't what I focused on. You see, I really wanted to get Off of Facebook.

In another article, I 'steemed' about my involvement in another social network that went out of business. Looking Full Steem Ahead! I wrote several articles about that network which all included my thoughts on platforms like Facebook that make TONS of money from users; but give the users nothing.

I even wrote, what turned out to be quite Prophetic articles on Censorship; which often plagues YouTube, Twitter and .... Facebook. You see, when you're in the minority group but, express opinions loudly that upset the majority you are always going to be 'At Risk' of being silenced. Especially when you're using a platform that you don't own.

Just sharing a foundation for anyone who may want to 'question' if my claims are accurate. You'll see those go back as far as 2014-2015, and so I might know a thing or two.

In so many ways all of the 'coverage' and thought put into these platforms has brought me to a new vantage point. Way back in 2013, I got involved with a blog based business opportunity. No, not Empower Network although I DID just get a phone call from one of their sales reps the other day. Another story for another time. The rep wanted to know why I left, and it had to do with this other company. I told the guy straight up, the other company had what I 'really needed'.

That was, actual hands on SEO training - because the world is bigger than facebook.

Being limited to an audience of 5,000 people is for the birds. Relying on people to like your stuff and pass it along, rather than steal it to get their Own likes up is annoying and stressful. Having to rely on Fan pages that you create that are still governed by robots and the possibility of false flags and automated suspensions leaves a marketer naked in the wilderness.

You and I (marketers) ultimately have to own our own stuff!

So when Facebook kicked me off their platform, mostly for ruffling way too many feathers for way too long, Facebook did me a Huge Favor. I was able to concentrate on building up more of my 'own platforms'. Being that I work in the 'field' of marketing, doesn't mean I'm limited to that industry. Marketing know-how just helps with everything else I want to do in life.

Unfortunately from time to time, we do have to use other people's platforms, to promote ours.

When this is the case, we can't really engage like we may want to, all the time. It really is chess out here, not checkers. So you'll notice that as I do 'kinda' speak about it, I won't point fingers entirely at the platform. I knew the risks for being black and 'too outspoken'.

I know exactly where I am, and how often that kind of behavior is frowned upon. But I felt it was worth the risk. Besides, as you can see I have a history of saying we all need to diversify our Social Networking. Both as marketers, and as people. We empower these networks simply by being on them.

Steem, is a platform that 'reminds me' of the TSU, and CrazyGoods of the world. They took the concept of giving people places to share, meet others, and connect with friends but included a 'monetary reward'. Giving back to the community of users who help make a platform popular, is an idea who's time is still coming. I think, that unfortunately the 'forces of society' are too great, and anytime a platform rewards people 'for referring other people', it psychologically throws folks off.

They decide, that they'd rather go use Facebook and not get paid. At least their cousin Jim isn't getting a dime off of them!

It's just how people are, in this society. The newness of cryptocurrency, combined with the reality that people make money from what 'they do' is attractive. Eventually, people are going to realize that their cousin Mark is making too much money from their efforts, and by then, this digital coin stuff will be much more popular. Several people are going to be upset when they find out what's happening here, and that's when we'll realize Facebook did us all a huge favor.

They've made me look like I actually may know what I'm talking about. Thanks for stopping by!

More related Steems


I just wrote a piece about leaving facebook myself @topnetworkeral! It seems many of us are feeling the same thing. Please check it out @bruckdashel

I'm going to go and check that out. It's definitely a 'target market' of people who for various reasons don't like Facebook. Right now it's still super popular with the masses and may continue to be. Until they get kicked off for being too vocal :)

I had a bonafide troll, paid for by a certain side in our recent primary, have me knocked off Facebook by posting a nude photo of me. I could never quite track down how it happened. Things just got so bloody and toxic, I'm over it @topnetworkeral

that really sucks; it's the good And bad of social media; anyone can share anything at any time - sorry you had to experience that -

I'm not sorry really. It was the beginning of my SteemWakening :-)

pretty good article man; I really like Twitter more than Facebook, although ultimately all these platforms that aren't Paying Us - suck.

@topnetworkeral there are some benefits in being just on the cusp of too old for Twitter, Instagram, and definitely Snap. I stopped trying to maintain multiple networks years ago, just no benefit in being over extended.

since I discovered steemit to me it is clear what was almost unthinkable before: facebook is not the end of the story. it is not unlikely that Steem will overpass it as soon as people recognize. If I'd own FB stocks, I'd sell now....

The future continues to be exciting; We never really know what the future brings!! But Steemit has a real shot to be part of that future!

I actually love Facebook for the fact that all of my friends and family can always find ways to reconnect on it on a moments notice. I dig all the freebies they offer, and yeah it could cost money to use, but it's free.

On a more positive note though, we need to take what we're doing online seriously. If we ever truly wish to use a networking platform as intended, then abiding by it's terms of use and community guidelines is the key. Hopefully you won't get kicked from other platforms. I wish you nothing but the best, you seem like a cool dude.

Oh and platforms will never remove their blocking features or reporting features it is what keeps them afloat because there's far to many spammers and scammers everywhere.

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