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RE: The Experiment: Turn 1

in #experiment7 years ago

No you gave me the correct square. I wanted G6 so I could have something hopefully more flood tolerant for food, and F6 so I could go into larger scale food production. I had no idea there is a P56. I thought all of the squares without initials next to the number are unoccupied.

If this is not the case then not sure what the plan is here... sit on this square and produce food, and eat food. That'd be pretty much it. Once I have enough stored I might considered trading some of it for other materials if there are interested people.


Yes, 100 people 100 squares.

I don't know what you could do to other squares. Kill their occupants? Marry?
Or just propose you work there for a "fee" or rent them...

There will be events is all I can say now ;)

Well then I'd like to first get to know the occupants of the people in the cardinal directions from me N,S,E,W.... can't make decisions without information and if there are people there I need to learn a little something about my neighbors. Not sure if that takes an action point or not. I need to produce food.

You get 1 food "automatically" (and for the time being) from your square. No AP for that.
You can produce additional food for AP.

Regarding your neighbors... I don't have a full vita of 100 NPCs prepared you know ;)

If you want to find out more about them you need to have a long talk with them... so it would take you 1 AP. Me it would take the time to write it down :D

Well that's how I would spend my initial AP then as it would dictate my future course of actions... especially considering to trade with other people my goods would need to pass through their property.

So 1 AP per person, you decide which one.
Hm... theoretically the others should not be able to read that, but that does not work here.

Yeah because the information gathered will then be freely available to everyone without them needing to spend a point to research it.

I'll research the guy to the West first.

EDIT: I actually have a contractual proposal for him. :)

How will transportation of goods occur from one place to another? How do I get more than one person living on my property?


You can instantly trade up to 3 units for one AP (e.g. 2 food for 1 stone) or 5 units for 2 AP. You can trade until storage maximum for one more AP for carrying, but carrying takes a whole (next) turn where you cant use AP.

I have not written there if there is a distance restriction, because I was not sure, but I think I will put it up now - trading only works one field and one field more for 1AP each. So a small trade (1AP) over 4 fields costs you 5AP.

I will also take out the old "carrying", because it takes more then one turn.

Instead horse resource will allow you to move things around everywhere on the map, but will disappear.

What you think about that?

Also I may make a relationship matrix, where knowledge gives you bonuses on potential dice rolls. Or someone hates you and does not trade with you...

You know I would really see that final result working as a computer game on the steem game website. Rock Paper Scissor? Pfff!
Maybe if you get fed up with wormholes ;)

How do I get more than one person living on my property?

Well, I would guess you need either a good relationship and a house or a sort of slave contract ;)

Wormholes is already a bit more involved than this. I have my next couple of projects already planned. I've been buying assets for my projects for after Wormhole Ventures for more than a year. :)

I have a few projects I need to try to knock out while I'm still alive. :P

You wanted to model different ideas... from the Anarcho-Capitalist ideology every thing works by voluntary contracts between individuals...

So my contract would be perhaps negotiating with the river guy that I would store 1 food for him on my property for in the event of a flooding in exchange for 1 food. I would also work out something such as being willing to carry some of his goods to trade if I have room such that I receive 0.25 of whatever we trade for...

Stuff like that... but what I actually would ask for depends upon a lot of factors.

It doesn't sound like you've really worked in any restrictions to trading which requires passage through other people's property. :)

Getting to the horses for example would cross through an incredible amount of territory belonging to other people.

@DWinblood visits P56 to have a nice little chat.
P56 describes that he is a 41 year old auto mechanic that wanted to things with less oil and more soil. So he decided to settle down on a nice, sunny spot and let the stress beyond him and grow strawberries.
He has no family except a sister living in a far country.

As a result of the chat DWinblood now has "knowledge" about P56 which may come in handy later on.

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