Exercise as an antidepressant

in #exercise7 years ago (edited)


What if I told you that scientists have found a pill that can increase your sexual attractiveness, can extend your life span, decrease depression and anxiety, make you happier and best of all, the pill is free.

That pill already exists and is exercise.

Many studies have shown that fiscal activity in the form of exercise has antidepressant and anxiolytic properties.

Although is not very well understood how this mechanism works, the results can be measured.

If you exercise regularly, you are going to feel an increased self-efficacy, a sense of mastery, more focus, a higher resilience against stress and many other positive results in your mind and body.

According to different studies, you should exercise 3-4 sessions a week with a duration of 20-30 min. each session as a minimum to gain some of the mental benefits. This session doesn't need to be intensive, 20 min. of walking can reduce depression if it is done constantly.

If you don´t have problems with depression or anxiety right now, is also a good idea to start doing some exercise immediately. Studies have shown a correlation between the absence of exercise and depression in the following years.

So start doing exercise to avoid depression, if not for you, do it for your future self.


Ströhle, Andreas. "Physical activity, exercise, depression and anxiety disorders." Journal of neural transmission 116.6 (2009): 777-784.


So so so true!

Good point!

hey Luis!!! This is such an important subject!!! thankyou for posting about it. I loved your quote up and the top so much that I just used it in my own post and linked back to you!

Hope you don't mind! Thankyou!!!

I saw it!! already upvoted. Thank you for the quote, I am new at this and it only helps me to keep writting.

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