The 300 second exercise program ; five exercises of one minute each ! ! !

in #exercise8 years ago

Today people spend 75% of their time sitting. Essentially most of the muscles above the waste sag away. When your not exerting yourself why do you need deep breathing muscular strength. Air sits in your lungs and stagnates polluting your body.

Your heart get used to doing almost nothing your blood gets sluggish, there is no muscular activity to help move the processing food through your intestines, thus food rots and start to cause diseases. Over time your body adapts to this lazy lifestyle and then one day a friend asks you to move. You immediately panic at this thought of exercise and schedule a dentist visit to avoid this dreaded exercise.

A pound of muscles burn 30 calories per hour even when sleeping, fat burns just 3 calories per hour. Thus just five minutes of careful exercises selection will build up your upper body muscles over time. Slowly you will regain strength and muscles in your upper body and this 50% of your now unused muscles will work day and night to burn extra poisonous calories.

The muscles will filter your blood, exercise will lubricate your joints and increase your lung capacity and flexibility. All for just 300 seconds per day ! ! !

So one minute of pushups; if you can only do half of a push-up then just stop and rest for the rest of your 60 seconds.

One minute of leg squats, stand up straight and bend your knees so your lower legs are tensed.

Grab an upper door frame and try and pull your body up; a in-door frame pull up bar will cost around $25 and is the only equipment you need except maybe a floor exercise mat.

Lie down and leg raises, these do not do much but sit-ups never work so leg raises are better.

Now grab the corner of your counter-top and slowly lower your body weight down by bending your elbows.

That is it, stop anytime you feel pain or discomfort and do not run nor jump or seek out lifting weights. Slowly you will regain some functional fitness and improve your body strength by toning up . . .

Listen to your body and act carefully and do something every day : )

/ hugz ; )

See my other Blog Postings about the 5 minute a day 300 second exercise program : )


I could use some exercise right about now.

Not trying to be smutty here but there are five reasons in the modern world for sex ; love , procreation , power , money and EXERCISE.

Quality romance both before , during and after is proven to be one of the healthiest activities people can engage in. Obviously hanging from the ceiling fan by ropes or hooking up with six people a day are probably not the safest practices, but when done carefully sex can be hugely physically and mentally beneficial and rewarding.

Reality says at least 8 % of the population have an abnormal sexual process this can lead to dysfunctional relationships and even legal troubles. . .

But for those to distracted by lifes' events I have created the 300 second exercise program, truly now even a lazy procrastinator can get some improved health status : )

/ hugz ; )

More about the 300 second exercise program on my Blog Postings . . .

How safe are the exercises. When I tried High Intensity Workout I actually hurt my knees and strained my muscles. Since then I only do Asian workout from Tibetan Yoga, Hatha Yoga to Taiji and Qigong. I just like to mix what I find useful and so far no more pain and I can bend my knee again.

If you notice my previous posts also outline why HIIT, Yoga and Pilates are very evil things.

In the modern world people cannot afford those exercises, today people are to unhealthy, unfit or injuries so people must work up carefully to even a basic exercise routine.

Your using your own body weight, most people understand how to do a pushup.
If you can only do one pushup then you just do one, if you can do 20 pushups in 60 seconds then do what you can easily, the limit is the time frame = one minute.

one minute of pushups, one minute of leg squats, one minute arm dips, one minute leg raises and one minute of pull ups.

It is all your own bodyweight, no intense moving nor jumping. The aim to to reactivate your upper body muscles toward good health. . .

If you have knee exerciss then you will just self limit oyur knee bending or choose a different mild no stress exercise; the aim is to get people to try and restart moving their boy's again...

/ hugz ; )

YESTERDAY I myself did FIVE hammer PULLUPS ! ! !

This life was made for living : )

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