in #exchange5 years ago

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The world is undergoing rapid changes as a result of the contributions of technology and its products, and the financial industries has not been left out. Cryptocurrency was first launched by Satoshi Nakamoto with bitcoin as the very first cryptocurrency to be generated. The blockchain technology has been embraced by most people especially the crypto community to the extent that, currently there are numerous cryptocurrencies that have been generated into the cryptospace for example Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, DASH etc. with several ICOs going on which would also generate new cryptocurrencies. The main motive of generating cryptocurrencies was to develop another payment method which can be used to make payment in our daily transactions.

However, the infancy stage at which cryptocurrencies are has made it being used as an asset by some cryptocurrencies. Exchange platforms and Over-the-Counter websites serve as entry points into the investment into cryptocurrencies. Among the existing exchange platforms Binance, Kraken, Bittrex, Bithfinex etc. are some of the prominent ones in the cryptopace. These exchange platforms have served the crypto community for quite sometime but have we ever asked ourselves whether their services are enough? You know the answer just like I do myself and it is no because we all testify of some challenges that we go through as crypto enthusiasts anytime we are making transactions on these exchange platforms.


Inadequate Security

Security is one of the greatest concerns of every investor whether in the digital or fiat investment plans. Most exchange platforms these days are not secured and are susceptible to the attacks of cyber fraudsters and hackers. Because of the volatility of cryptocurrencies some cryptopreneurs decide to set high prices for the tokens and decide to wait for a high price sell. This notion under all circumstances is very laudable as these cryptopreneurs understand the system of cryptocurrencies and their price fluctuations over time. It sad to know that some exchange sites can be hacked and when this happens customers lose their hard-earned funds that were saved on these platforms.

The crypto community has experienced some exchange hacking and an example is, Coinrail a small crypto exchange platform was hacked and the accumulated loss was $40,000,000 which include several tokens that were stolen by these hackers. Even though the according to report the management team decided to refund the loss amounts you can just imagine the financial loss that is going to be incurred by the team of the exchange platform. Furthermore, Cryptopia exchange also lost huge amount of money when their exchange was hacked some few weeks ago. All these situations really tarnish the image of crypto and its mass adoption that almost every crypto enthusiast is calling for.

Poor and Complex User Interface

The interface of some exchange is not simplified at all and becomes very difficult when it is your first-time trading on such platforms. When exchange platforms don’t have basic user interface to enhance easy trading of the average crypto noob trading becomes very difficult and stressful for such people. Personally, I have been a victim of a situation where a cryptocurrency of mine got listed at a very cool price but because the user interface of the exchange platform was quite complex, I could not sell my cryptocurrency at a good price until it dumped. The crypto community needs an exchange platform that is very simplified with well-defined tabs and links that directs the user what to do when making any transactions.

Poor Customer Support

Aside the insecurity and poor user interface that some exchange platforms offers they also have poor customer support systems to the extent that complaints that are reported with respect to any technical issues take days to be rectified or are not even attended to. This leave customers to their own fate whenever they face challenges when making any transactions on such platforms. Users sometimes lose their hard-earned monies as a result of not knowing what exactly what to do when conducting transactions on such platforms.

The above problems and many more generate many bad criticisms about the crypto community and its transactions which in turn dwindles the efforts of crypto enthusiasts in making cryptocurrencies to be legalized in our world.


An Exchange platform with Simple and Basic User Interface

The crypto community is full of a variety of people with different knowledge in cryptocurrency trading therefore it would be very suitable to design a cryptocurrency trading interface upon which both experienced and crypto noobs can conduct their trading activities safely. The graphic user interface of UPROSE is well defined with labels that direct members in their transactions. To make it even simpler, the exchange support channels would also make available short educative videos that would also help traders in their trading.

Provision of Timely Customer Support

In addition to creating a very simplified and basic user interface UPROSE Exchange platform also provides a 24/7 technical support to all the queries of its users. With the help of bots inculcated into the platform which would help in the answering of frequently asked questions of users on a timely basis to ensure that users are relieved off any hustle that they may inquire in their trading activities. In the cases where these bots cannot assist with the queries of users, they would be forward to human technical support which is also available on daily basis. UPROSE provided the best of customer support to assist traders in their daily transactions.

A Secured Trading Platform

The safety of funds is off a high priority when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. The recent security breaches that are occurring on some exchange platforms scares investors from cryptocurrency investments. UPROSE however provided an exchange platform that is well secured and built with several additional features that you cannot find on any exchange platform. UPROSE goes beyond the use of Google Authentication to include Biometric Security Systems which has proven beyond doubts to be one of the most advanced security features. The use of all these security features would prevent cyber fraudsters and hackers from having access to the accounts of users registered on UPROSE Exchange platform.

UPROSE Exchange platform comes along with a whole lot of features that could not be mentioned in this piece of writing, please refer to the whitepaper or website for more information about UPROSE Exchange platform.




The developmental process of UPROSE Exchange platform would be carried out through the following milestones as stated in the image below:


This project is supported by a group of ardent crypto enthusiasts who wish to see a global mass adoption of crypto hence designing a secured cryptocurrency trading platform that is well secured for users to trade safely. Below are some of the team members, please refer to the website or whitepaper to get to know the entire team behind this project.

For more information about this project please visit their Official and Social Media links:








Bitcointalk Username: Aponkye1

Profile Link


Dear @ikkelins

This is going to be little bit off-topic comment. Hope you don't mind. As you may know I will be heading to europe soon and I realized that I may be quite busy catching up with Polish family once I see them again.

So I figured that I will extend all delegations for another 1 month (until end of march 2019). Just wanted to let you know :)

Hope you will continue being active and supportive towards our little steemit community we managed to create together.


Thanks for passing by and yes i would keep an eye on the community but we got to talk more in private chat...hahaha or probably sending encrypted memos to each other on steemit. But anyway this project is full of financial systems and i believe it would be great if you can take a look at it :)

Yours Ikkelins

Thank you for your support @ikkelins

ps. I've never heard about uprose before. Is that decentralized exchange (DEC)?

I wonder how many exchanges are already out there ....

But anyway this project is full of financial systems and i believe it would be great if you can take a look at it

It's not "my kind of project" as all I invested is STEEM and I do not really trade. Sorry buddy :(


Currently it is not decentralized but the team has plans on moving over to the DEX version of it in the near future.
About day trading hahaha..i also don't do it often because it really drove a sword through my heart. hahaha

Your friend @Ikkelins

Dear @ikkelins

I'm very sorry for this off-topic post.

I'm quite sure that I already asked you before (hope not more than once) to support my little initiative so this request may not be anything new :)

Could you please vote on this dpoll for a friendly community (SteemChurch), which Im trying to support?

It's such a fierce contest and just after 4 days we're right behind SteemitBloggers:

We've another 3 exciting days ahead of us. Perhaps you could ask around your friends if they wouldn't mind support our small initiative.

I would be very grateful :)


Please vote on "SteemChurch". I would appreciate your support a lot.


hahaha...no problem mate :)

Your friend @Ikkelins

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 58216.77
ETH 3142.31
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.23