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RE: Europe's Quid pro Quo

in #europe5 years ago (edited)

ye sure :) but EU should speed up also on the distribution system of refugees so refugees get distributed depending on how much population is in each country to dilute the social cost... eastern european countries are still strongly resisting the migration influx and are already being fined by EU for their "lack of solidarity".. germany (home to 1/5th of EU population) for example takes in 180 000 refugees currently per year (10 times more than US) and in 2015 when they freshly opened borders they took in even 700 000... most other european countries are even compared to their size not pulling their weight


That is how the Roman Empire fell.

not quite.
"In 212 AD, during the reign of Caracalla, Roman citizenship was granted to all freeborn inhabitants of the empire. But despite this gesture of universality, the Severan dynasty was tumultuous—an emperor's reign was ended routinely by his murder or execution—and, following its collapse, the Roman Empire was engulfed by the Crisis of the Third Century, a period of invasions, civil strife, economic disorder, and plague."

we dont give citizenship to people born in europe, and we routinely send refugees back to countries that are classified safe (even tho countries like afghanistan are not actually safe yet classified safe and syria safe but not classified safe). thats the US. also since US has such lax weapon laws and is a gigantic bundle of states that are united, the "turmoil" seems more likely to happen there.

So, is the answer immigration reform? I would say that is a problem, like you said, if they send back safe refugees. Sadly, too many Christians are persecuted for example in the Middle East, in Syria, and especially Iran. The Christian church is growing faster than other religions globally in Iran specifically. But they are underground churches. House churches. When Rome granted citizenship to too many people and persuaded them towards larger cities and continued inflating the money and increased welfare, then that caused continual damage to their empire. @Stefan.Molyneux makes great videos that talks about those things.

germany did immigration reform this month... anyone who finds work in germany is now elligible for work visa, meaning people who get refused in refugee application can find work and stay anyway... still deportations of afghans i believe was illegal and broke geneva convention... also there is currently no legal way of immigrating to europe, hence the illegal immigration over dangerous routes instead of simply taking a plane... i would wish that you could apply as refugee from a foreign embassy, then also passportless persecuted could apply, such as uigurs, who are not allowed to own a passport...

Germany is also dying at the same time thanks to who might be like a daughter of Hitler.

the one who might be the daughter of hitler? what did ivanka trump do in germany? im guessing trump is killing nato and EU-US relationships but what did ivanka do? actually thats a serious question. what is her job even...

Do you like NATO or do you prefer nationalism for each country?

id prefer European army and have the middle east trouble makers like UK US and Turkey out of the equation. Probably only reason we dont have that already is because the western european states dont want to spend more on military, which is necessary in order for eastern european countries to remain chill about russia. russia is not going to hate EU if its arch rival US is not part in the team, but its still good to be on the safe side as leadership and mentality can change quick, and a war should even if lost be destructive enough to both economies to be not worth it.

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