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RE: Europe's Quid pro Quo

in #europe5 years ago

id prefer European army and have the middle east trouble makers like UK US and Turkey out of the equation. Probably only reason we dont have that already is because the western european states dont want to spend more on military, which is necessary in order for eastern european countries to remain chill about russia. russia is not going to hate EU if its arch rival US is not part in the team, but its still good to be on the safe side as leadership and mentality can change quick, and a war should even if lost be destructive enough to both economies to be not worth it.


So, you trust bigger government? Is Brexit crazy?

well brexit will pinch a bit in EU economy, but might be good to have less war mongering in the group... plus they seem more close to US than EU, so it might be for the better (for EU at least)... also they leave because they like the benefits of EU but not the freedom of movement and immigrants... they cant cherrypick benefits, because EU is supposed to be about solidarity and stuffs... scottland tho is chill so they will probably leave the UK and join EU later on, so nothing to worry about... northern ireland is probably according to boris johnnsons deal gonna stay in EU or EEA while remaining in UK (meaning that UK will have within its country a border)... whales got fucked over and they have no say since they did not join voluntarily UK like scottland did.... england just gets what they chose to have so ill let them enjoy their anti-immigration and anti-EU view points...

I trust EU more than i trust US... media likes to twist news stories in favor for US aggression (no matter if obama or trump), screwing up our democracy, making people cheer for the aggression, while if you do a little digging you see how fucked up this actually is and how little they actually telling you... people like greta thunberg have shown that EU is not forsaken and there are ways to twist and turn wheels for better europe... reso for example increased youth voting rates by a bunch by only 1 viral video, causing the green party to have about as much votes all the sudden as the christian conservative party in germany (party of merkel)... this has a large impact on EU since germany is 1/5th of EU population... US on the otherhand has an election system that by design (look up MMP voting system in contrast) only is stable if there are only 2 parties to vote, and they have the freedom of choosing presidents that are not necessarily morally good nor good for the people... also with many conservatives in US (which is about half of the country) its impossible to argue with as many are detached from reality... also US elections are rarely about international relations, because people only care if they are going to be more well off with that president... EU and German elections tho have a healthy competition...

Origin of Warmonger EU:

Do you know how the EU started? I love Brexit. I love countries. I do not want one world order. The EU and the UN and other things are steps towards a one world government of authoritarianism. I love the USA. I love the UK.

Max Sieg Loves War Mongers

So, Max Sieg @maxsieg, you talk about Warmongers. Oh, I hate warmongers. Who are the warmongers? The EU are warmongers. The UN are warmongers. Soros, Rothschild, and others, are as well.

HIV Coronavirus

Bill Gates helped put HIV in the Coronavirus it seems. They are warmongers. They infiltrate governments. Bad people get into the American government. They get into many different governments and do bad things. They are not of the countries they infiltrate.

EU Ignored The Vote For Years

The UK voted years ago for Brexit and the EU ignored them and then mocked them. You talk about fairness but that is not fair.

consider this before spreading conspiracies about the corona virus...

i guess this pic is a bit older so
I think we can both remember trump afterwards bombing syria as well directly on assads troops and territory...
soon coming to iran
... what did europe do?
help mali government fight terrorist in Mali? NATO case of US "war on terrorism" in afghanistand and syria (meaning US forced us into it)? and france supporting haftar in 2011?

You must be a Rothschild Lover.

sure randomly accuse someone on the BLOCKCHAIN being a rothschild lover... ur baseless accusations are percieved to be rude.

Rothschild helped create the EU that you love. Therefore, you love him. You can say you don't. You may not know that you do. That does not mean you don't. It only means you don't know and it also means you do not want to know about what Rothschild and JP Morgan and others did. You do not want to talk about it. You will not, I promise you, talk about these things with me. You are probably not even reading this comment. You do not like reading. You like insulting Americans more than I like insulting Rothschild Lovers. So, we could talk about history if you wanted to. I highly doubt you want to because you ignore it. I say stuff. You don't read what I write. I try to tell you what happened in the 1930's. You don't care about that. Most likely, you don't know what happened.

basically you are salty cause i called out your country for being involved in a lot of conflicts... well sorry if that hurts your national pride, vote better if you get a good option in next election. until then i will remain at the believe that the EU US relationship is unhealthy for us and for humanity.

i dont see how your 1 line comments contain any "historical depth". when u loosely talk about the roman empire i did my best to intepret what ever u tried to say. it is unfair of you to say that i "dont read what you write".

idk about rothschild impact helping to create EU (if any), but EU was a requirement for germany to merge again, after they have been separated since world war 2. but if i use ur line of reasoning then if you love israel, then you must love hitler, as his holocaust helped create israel.

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