the Table Metaphor for a Rational Conversation (TTMFARC)

in #ethics4 years ago

This is the Table Metaphor for a Rational Conversation. (TTMFARC)

Imagine if you will, two people in a room.

They both bring with them a table with some number of legs.

The first person says, here's my table, it has six legs, please let me know if you see any problems.

The second person says, here's my table, it has nine legs, please let me know if you see any problems.

The two people then examine the tables and if there's a structural problem with one of the legs, they point out the problem and give the other a chance to modify or repair the flaws.

If a leg is fundamentally flawed it must be removed from that table.

If either table has fewer than three legs, it can no longer function as a table and that person will have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a (possibly similar) but better table.

Perhaps both tables will stand, and perhaps both tables will fall.

However, if one table stands and the other falls, there is absolutely no obligation for the person with the fallen table to adopt the design of the table that didn't fall.


However, imagine that one of the two people decides to employ an argumentum ad ignorantiam.

Person (a) says, here's my table and it has seven legs.

Person (b) says, I don't like any of those legs because they look strange and you smell bad (ad hominem).

Person (a) says, perhaps they look a little strange to you, but they do a perfectly good job of holding up my table, can you please explain, if you believe they don't support my table, what specific -structural-problem- can you identify?

Person (b) refuses to answer this question and instead says, my table is better and therefore your table is wrong (bald assertion, argumentum ad lapidem, false dichotomy).

Person (a) says, what table are you talking about, you haven't shown me your table. AND more to the point, even if your table is "perfect" it does not make my table "wrong". You still need to explain any structural flaws you are able to identify.

Person (b) says, well, it's difficult to describe my table but it is waaaay better than yours, so yours is wrong. I saw a table like your once and it was so dangerous it fell over and killed a bunch of people and made babies cry. (false dichotomy, emotional appeal, bald assertion, strawman, affirming the consequent, and argumentum ad baculum).

Person (a) says, that's not really how this works. You have to show me your table.

Person (b) says, my table is round and has like nine million legs (bald assertion).

Person (a) says, can you be a little more specific?

Person (b) says, YOU CAN'T PROVE MY TABLE IS WRONG (argumentum ad ignorantiam).

Person (a) says, what table are you talking about? It is obviously impossible for me to point out structural flaws in a table that either doesn't exist or that you refuse to show to me or that you only explain in ridiculously vague terms.

Person (b) says, I can't be bothered to show you my table because you could never understand it (ad hominem, argumentum ad ignorantiam).

Person (a) says, if you can't (or won't) show me your table and at least three legs, I think this conversation is over.


ALSO, LOWERING THE MINIMUM PAYOUT TO 0.001 (would remove the financial incentive to downvote) AND FLATTENING THE CURATION REWARDS (NO MORE INCENTIVE BONUS FOR VOTING IN THE FIRST 5 MINUTES) WOULD GO A LONG WAY TO "FIXING" STEEMIT (are the band-wagon voters really "adding-value"?)



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Protesting without dialogue (with the sole intent to silence opposition) is harassment, not free speech.

I'm not a fan of ad hominem attacks, but I'm even less of a fan of censorship and retaliation.

Ad hominem attacks and air-horning your opponent are the tactics of FASCISM (dismantles open dialogue and civil debate).

By voting for my "payout declined" comments and posts, you are supporting the highest-quality-community-approved-content of the top-earners!!!

When you vote for something that's "payout declined" your contribution goes directly into the "reward pool" which gets distributed to all the posts that make more than $20 steem, with the highest percentage of the pool getting distributed to the top-earners who are providing the highest-quality-community-approved-content!!!

So you're not contributing your steem to me, you're contributing your steem to whoever the whales decide "deserves" your steem (but I still get a small rep boost).

Why am I declining rewards?

Imagine a "democratic" system, where you could vote for your elected officials, but your vote only "counted" as much as you "invested" in the election system itself (election tokens)... Now that by itself sounds reasonably "fair".

bUT, now imagine that anyone with a larger "investment" in the election system could ERASE your vote?

Would you continue voting? Or would you just give directly to the candidate of your choosing?

Perhaps anarchy already exists and government is merely the highest manifestation of organized crime. – @thoughts-in-time



Your scathing critique is requested.


Would you continue voting? Or would you just give directly to the candidate of your choosing?

but in the mean time we still have votes to make : ) and i for one would much rather give those votes to people who will pass on support to others

Yeah, but in the mean time, look, no cheetahbot!!

Also, imagine steem without voting. Imagine they just Hard-Forked voting right out of the whole thing altogether.

What's left?

A lot of really awesome stuff, that's what!!

The delegation system is amazing (way better than pa.treon). The steem-token transfer system is amazing (way better than v.enmo or credit-cards or banks). The blogging system is amazing (way better than tw.itter or fa.cebuk). It's all super-awesome!!

I'm going to table this until later haha.

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