Is There Moral and Ethics in Steemit?

in #ethics6 years ago (edited)


I love controversial discussions. I believe that the controversy is the search for truth. I have already mentioned this in some posts that I have written here on my blog and would like to return today with one of those discussions that instigates us in search of truth. Today I would like to reflect on my thoughts, so this reflection is personal and individual. This reflection is about moral and ethics from Steemit point of view.

Is there morality, ethics, transparency, respect, "fair play" in Steemit among users, whales, witness or is "each one for himself and God for all"?

I am most of the time here at Steemit, an observer. I often avoid exposing what I think here for fear of being misinterpreted, punished for my opinion (be flagged) or "hurting" someone for something I have said or written. This happens because, most of the time I am very direct, incisive and sincere in my opinions. I hate half-truths and do not admit censorship "nor of Jesus Christ" (Nelson Rodrigues, brazilian writer).

I often say that Steemit is the "platform of opportunities" and really, it is. All I got in those two years here, I would not get in any other business in the real world or other digital internet business. Here, growth is real and not just financially.

Speaking in the financial sense, at Steemit we talk a lot of money. Money is the main "engine of this platform", in my opinion. It is he who drives us to always post here, to improve in our posts and to interact with the "community".

"Money corrupts," this is fact, and in this quest for recognition, audience, and money, some unfortunately being "dazzled" with all the opportunities and possibilities for financial growth found here, may seek to run over stages, processes, and go over of what could be moral and ethical.

But, what is moral and ethical in Steemit? I've always wondered about this on Steemit, because it seems like there's no limit to what's allowed or not in how we can take advantage of those opportunities the platform gives us.

Would it be ethical and moral, for example, to hire for a high SBD value bid bots to promote our posts and put them on the trending page every day? Would it be ethical and moral to hire and use ghost writers, something that exists and is common on the internet, to generate content that has nothing to do with what we believe, think and write, only to have constant income in Steemit?

Would not that be "override" of those users who like me and others "sweat" and "battle" every day to build and post original and quality content on Steemit? How far is my statement true or false?

I hope with this post to bring a broad, sincere and productive discussion on the issue of morality and ethics in a decentralized environment, where many believe it is a "lawless land," "all is permitted," "beautiful and moral."

Portuguese Version

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Obrigado por ter lido o meu post!

Thanks for Reading My Post!


This is such an interesting post. I'm just entering my second week here at Steemit- and can see so much potential for so many different kinds of growth within this platform. I read a post which described it as the 'wild west' and that newbies should beware!

I love the freedom here... but with freedom, there tend to come those that will find ways to exploit it. And yet, without hard and fast rules- this is almost impossible to avoid.

You've got my little mind racing- and it's great to read your post which throws these questions out there. So glad I saw your link over on Steemit.Chat!

E x

I am happy and honored to see your comment quite sensible here. Thanks a lot and Steemit is a great platform, but it is necessary, even in a decentralized environment, rules of good coexistence and fair play among its users. Everyone needs recognition, according to the value they add to the platform. A big hug and good luck!

It's my pleasure to meet you here, and thank you!

You're right of course, that fair play and reward for those who give so much talent and give regularly should be recognised and rewarded. Perhaps this could be achieved by instilling these values into new usuers as they come on bord.

E x

Well you can just join groups you resonate with and don't bother with the rest. We can always speak our minds here (and of course we should be responsible for our actions). Unless we come up with a suggestion/solution via they won't even matter.

I tried to ask but they just told me to submit via utopian. Am not a programmer or anything and am not sure what it is but heck I just don't bother anymore.

If you'd like another writing/blogging site where you earn in $ then I can share a link. It's not like here in Steemit though. The more you blog quality posts there the more stars you get and earn $ per day.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Without a doubt

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Super Post)

You got a 7.71% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @jsantana!

É um tema questionável de fato! O de pagar robos nao me parece nada justo...

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