
I believe in personal-sovereignty which includes 100% private ownership.

Each person should own themselves and own the land they live on and own their labor and the goods they earn.

Awesome. Now that we've established some common-ground, we can clearly map out where we agree and disagree.

Why not adopt the mindset of a libertarian or a classical liberal who simply doesn't care what people do as long as they don't violate the rights of other people, right?

Rights without an enforcement mechanism are meaningless.

Because I can tell you all day and all night that you have the "right" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - but if I don't DO ANYTHING to insure that your life is protected and your liberty is protected then you have no fair shot at "pursuing happiness".

The words themselves sound good, but without a coherent and reliable enforcement mechanism, those words are hollow aphorisms.

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