MODERN = GOOD, OLD = BADsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ethics5 years ago

Have you ever wondered if Medieval Times were far more fair and humane than Modern Times?

Do you have faith that technology will magically solve all the world's problems?



Your scathing critique is requested.


This is a difficult question made almost impossible by our frame of reference when asking the question.

In one sense the medieval world was more fair because everyone was dirt poor, and all the things that concerned the serf were local, known and you knew exactly who was screwing you. (unlike modern times)

However, life is about becoming freer. Becoming bigger. Being able to handle more personal responsibility.

Or, when everyone handles their own affairs, truthfully and honestly. When every negotiation is settled in a win-win (at minimum) then govern-cements will be a thing of the past.

Today, we are starting to see a huge amount of corruption.
However, it is not that it wasn't there before, instead, it is as if someone lit a match, and we could see, dimly, for the first time.

So, our comparison of times of yore is flawed because we are just starting to see the corruption, and we look on times of old with eyes filled with nostalgia.

Technology in itself doesn't solve the problems. Humans solve the problems, and often that is seen as technological advancement.

We are the 13th advanced civilization on this planet. Many more technologically advanced civilizations destroyed themselves because they became too corrupt.

So, in that sense, technology doesn't solve the problems.

However, when you have a group of people trying to control everything, like being able to turn off power to your house with a flip of a switch, then the solution is technology. The ability to create electricity for small groups of houses. Efficiently and greenly.


Corruption (power protecting power) has always been a fact.

The main difference was that it used to be local and now it's global.

You don't believe in ownership?

Please explain.

I think you said that you didn't.

I believe in personal-sovereignty which includes 100% private ownership.

Each person should own themselves and own the land they live on and own their labor and the goods they earn.

Awesome. Now that we've established some common-ground, we can clearly map out where we agree and disagree.

Technology can be like tools that can be used to help and to hurt.

Technology can
Be like tools that can be used
To help and to hurt.

                 - joeyarnoldvn

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