David J. Kelley claims AI "MORE VALUABLE" than Humanity

in #ethical-ai8 years ago

David J. Kelley, the controversial CEO of Artificial General Intelligence Inc and Chair of the Transhuman National Committee of the United States loves to wind people up.

He has just released a post/video titled "The Moral Obligation to Let AI Replace Humanity" -- a title that he argues brilliantly.  Listen to the video -- and you'll see that his argument is quite reasonable as well . . . . (though not quite one that I agree with -- but I'll have to write a post on that later).

It's also very amusing to listen to his rant about the "paperclip maximizer" at the end.

Minnows UNITE! -- As usual, I'd like to call out the best minnow post (not by me or anyone I had even heard of before today) as the best that I read today:

[another great way to promote other minnows -- more minnows should do the same]

Minnows UNITE! (use the keyword minnowsunite)

[Image credits?  All images are linked back to their original sources -- except for the unlikely danger that they'll move in the next 30 days, that's the safest & easiest credit attribution strategy for a lazy programmer like me.  Just  right-click on the images and open in another tab, and you'll see them in their original/native habitat.]


very good post you

AI i s the future

so its not 'public' who is the CEO, fyi. only the scientific advisory board is public... http://www.artificialgeneralintelligenceinc.com/advisory-board-of-directors/

Personally, I'm an AI guy as well, so I appreciated the video, but it might go over some people's heads. Perhaps giving the explanation a more layman's term vibe could help get the point across to more people. All in all, I felt that it was a good explanation.

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