

Wow 'thatmemeguy' .. awesome handle :) I love memes!


Well that's Interesting, but I'm still trying to figure out the connection somewhat :)

the same goes for steem as well @xaero1

Until it crashes down !!

You got it completely right there :D

I bought back in 3 days ago ... sold 2 days ago ... now I just bought back some again in last couple of hours (but I'm really not convinced about this one; so I might sell again on the 50% retrace, if it gets there!)
[actually part of me was hoping the whole market would just drop right down, and stay down ... and then i could take a holiday from day trading stuff for a while .. even if I'd be a lot poorer :P )

Thanks for your comment :)

looking at the Trend it might go more Down there was a hope Recently when it touched 300$ mark but not again .. :(

Yes seemed to be a false hope... and turned out to be just a lower rounded top - which is definitely not a good sign. More reasons why I think we're in a down-trend:

  • On the 1 day chart (, the exponential moving average indicators have crossed over decisively in the negative direction.
  • On the 3 day chart (, the MACD indicator has gone decisively red
  • And you don't need a chart to know that 2 months ago everything was up 10x, but for the last month pretty much everything has been going down (with some crashes and bounce-backs in between)!

However, even with all the above inductors I think there is some chance imo that we could still get more of a sideways considation rather than crash/large drop. But only time will tell!

Very cool if your predictions will come true, wait, not sell :-)

Thanks :)
Although in that comment my prediction pretty much just adds up to saying 'I've got a bad feeling about this...' ;)

all we can do is now just Hope for the Best :)

The market is not looking too bad today (right now) :)

I think I'll always have a slight negative bias influencing my thoughts which I should try to get rid of :) (Just because I was around when the previous bitcoin bubble deflated!)

I was so close to sellin off eth at 20" afraid that it was going to drop more...glad I didn't as the drop was due to a correction and wasn't even news related. I'm thinking it should keep rising as EEA3 will be announced sometime this coming week

Ethereum is like mother of all altcoins.
One should not sell it because its volume kept on increasing as compare to other coins.

Key point- 4 days to sleep and 4 days to rise
Which means ethereum is the coin which fall for 4 days and with the speed of bullet it rises up and up. @xaero1

God bless you
Steem on

Very true about the volume.

I really hate to sell ethereum...I always plan to buy it back after :)

That's pretty cool !

If you are in it long, you should put away the news sources, the market charts, and just relax.

If are a day-trader, then well, hope you have good blood-pressure medication. And when it dips, you dip, we dip.

Agreed, but you can like me combine. (long term / short term)

It keeps me focused end stay up to date.

Lol.. nice one!!

I wonder, REEAAALLY....

How many of the day traders could have just sat back passively and moved their pieces carefully and intelligently for the long term and only made either moderately more/moderately less, or the same as they would scurrying around trying to bag mooning coins.

After all, even if you make some pretty good gains, maybe it would even out down the road. How many people sold all of one coin only to see it soar later on? Maybe they made that money back, in a even more profitable coin, maybe with all the shuffling its' difficult to even work out!

It's much more, I think, than just about money. I think many people would still choose to sprint rather than casually walk even if you could prove to them they weren't going to arrive much faster. But you know I'm not so sure it's so bad, with all this exciting new life flourishing around someone it seems like that's life! You want that stuff! It shows you still get it!

Nice post!

And You are right :)

I speak a bit from experience - I've been manically trading for the past two years. If I'd just held ethereum and done no trading I'd have made a better return :)

But, unfortunately that really requires a least a bit of hindsight! If everyone knew ethereum was going to be worth this much, then everyone would have bought it at the time..and no-one would ever have sold it! ;)

nice post @xaero1
i like it

Thank you!

Its normal that the altcoins need some smaller corretion atfer a big rise in a short period. I will HODL aswell and buy some if its drop again.
Bitcoin had the same Up and downs in 2012-2015 and then exploded in the previous months


And thanks for your comment. I 'member 2012-2015 well!

I am not saying that this will be the same case with altcoins. I dont look at the daily prices(at least I try to not buy or sell impulsive )
I am more in the long run game heading to 2020 :)

Thanks for sharing
I never sold ETH or BTC !!
When I need some money I use my Xapo card
I always buy the deep

Agree. ..But the one thing you need in order to buy the dip is good ole fashioned cash e.g. USD. That's why I always force myself to sell regularly so as to always maintain a proportion of my portfolio as crypto and a proportion as cash :)

You doing great
About myself , I did not use usd or euro for shopping and live the last 2 years
I used only crypto.. I used my Xapo visa card ( attached to my btc).. the reason why I buy on deep and I do not sell..
Thanks for reply and for support

Awesome! Great to hear that's possible, because that is my exact plan to try next!!

I have a lot of stuff in crypto and can't/don't want to get back into to the legacy banking system. Also I gave up my old job a while ago and hopefully can just make money in the future from trading and investing :)

So, yes, my next step is to get a xapo card, and hopefully use that for everything I can!

"don't want to get back into to the legacy banking system"
This is great..
Xapo card is really great one and for exchange the best is @blocktraders
You can use Xapo .. anywhere and anytime.. is very secure my friend

Cheers :)

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