
You got it completely right there :D

I bought back in 3 days ago ... sold 2 days ago ... now I just bought back some again in last couple of hours (but I'm really not convinced about this one; so I might sell again on the 50% retrace, if it gets there!)
[actually part of me was hoping the whole market would just drop right down, and stay down ... and then i could take a holiday from day trading stuff for a while .. even if I'd be a lot poorer :P )

Thanks for your comment :)

looking at the Trend it might go more Down there was a hope Recently when it touched 300$ mark but not again .. :(

Yes seemed to be a false hope... and turned out to be just a lower rounded top - which is definitely not a good sign. More reasons why I think we're in a down-trend:

  • On the 1 day chart (, the exponential moving average indicators have crossed over decisively in the negative direction.
  • On the 3 day chart (, the MACD indicator has gone decisively red
  • And you don't need a chart to know that 2 months ago everything was up 10x, but for the last month pretty much everything has been going down (with some crashes and bounce-backs in between)!

However, even with all the above inductors I think there is some chance imo that we could still get more of a sideways considation rather than crash/large drop. But only time will tell!

Very cool if your predictions will come true, wait, not sell :-)

Thanks :)
Although in that comment my prediction pretty much just adds up to saying 'I've got a bad feeling about this...' ;)

all we can do is now just Hope for the Best :)

The market is not looking too bad today (right now) :)

I think I'll always have a slight negative bias influencing my thoughts which I should try to get rid of :) (Just because I was around when the previous bitcoin bubble deflated!)

everyone started to buying after that massive growth and when it started to fall down a little every one sold and this led to the Crash eventually and there after it has not stabled itself.

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