in #ethereum6 years ago

It was a blessed day when the digital currency ((Bitcoin) was introduced on 3rd of January, 2009. It was called BLOKCHAIN INNOVATION ever since then and Ethereum laid the strong foundation for building great innovations and be of growing borderless economies. Taurus0x

The world financial system is enormous and is centralized to cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrencies traders are left with no choice but to rely on a broker to trade assets derivatives. This method actually worked out and at the same time failed countless time. The opportunity came in decentralization for trading derivatives peer-to-peer over a blockchain network, which ultimately reduced the risk in the trading platform.

Taurus0x is a new protocol that standardizes derivative trading of any cryptocurrencies. It may serve centralized and decentralized exchanges or any independent dApp. Taurus0x enable any form of entity to issue contracts secured by asymmetric cryptography. The blockchain ultimately gives a mono source at a giving moment. This logic is powered by smart contracts and connected through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

Existing Work

The main derivative trading platforms are centralized today, for example, CME & CBOE. There platform matching algorithms & follow their exclusive message format. While there are huge points of advantages translated in centralized exchanges, most essentially performance & scalability starting today, there are basic specialized and financial risks appended to the centralization of data & business rationale.

Ethereum without much of a strength provided a platform for the community develops dApps that can withstand any rationale in programming languages, for example, JAVA. This eventually led to the concept of oracles. Oracles alleviate this impediment by giving a communication system between the EVM & the internet. Oraclize is one of the most-effective uses of distributed oracles.

Taurus0x see a starter solution, starting today, in building hybrid platform, i.e. apply decentralization where it bodes well instead of unexpected migration from its polar opposite. Off-chain/on-chain mixes have the capability of giving an awesome venturing stone into full decentralization. A few conventions and usage, such as Lightning & 0x, have demonstrated efficacy in embracing a comparable idea process.

Taurus0x Protocol Identity

Secure: Test security rigorously
Decentralized: Forgo a central authority
Simple: Make it easy for developers
Transparent: Open-source our work
Protocol Specification

Taurus0x protocol encourages administration of multi-sig contracts off-chain & on-chain.

Taurus0x Modes of Operations

Peer-to-peer Mode: In this section, peer-to-peer mode, do not depends on an intermediary in the whole contract lifecycle.

Exchange Mode: In this section, contract participants converse through a moderator for implementation of the transaction of transaction completion.

Token Registry

Taurus0x protocol executes another center smart contract, called TokenRegistry. This contract is in charge of putting away bolstered ERC20 token metadata: name, image, address & decimals. It is disengaged from the intermediary keeping in mind the end goal to isolate business logic & information, which makes it smoother for taking off updates. The intermediary depends on the token registry for order completion. The Ethereum blockchain comprehends addresses, not token names or images. The token registry is in charge of keeping that mapping. The token registry requires maintenance by the administering network. Tokens might be included & evacuated but not altered.

On-chain Prices

Taurus0x team is on the way to submit a brand new EIP & ERC standard to the Ethereum Platform. The unique idea behind the submission set up a standard network for maintaining on-chain.

TAUR Token specification and ICO details:

Token ticker: TAUR

Token type: ERC20

Total token supply: 250,000,000

ICO start date: 6/21/2018

ICO end date: 9/06/2018

Soft cap: N/A

Hard cap: 15,090 ETH

A rate of a token (ICO): 1 ETH = 10,000 TAUR

Accepting CryptoCurrency: ETH

TAUR Token distribution details:

Token sale: 65%

Devs and Advisors: 15%

Taurus trust: 15%

Reserve: 5%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63281.14
ETH 2674.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79