
That's how I approach all investments. If I can't afford to lose it, I don't need to invest that money. :-D

I am the same way. I think it is the only way to go. $100 is a lot of money to me as it is to most. Every time I powered up I had to give something up.

I've been thinking about buying as little as $10 even. That's a considerable amount more steem than what I currently have, and I'll never miss the $10. My stumbling block is the actual buying process. I'm not entirely sure how to do it, and I don't want to do it wrong, so I still haven't bought any.

I have had problems with buying steem.
It is a pain in the ass to get fiat into crypto. And depending on what country you live in and then add in the exchange. Horrible

I use a debt card and send fiat into coinbase
Then move the fiat into coinbase pro
Then exchange the fiat into ether
Then transfer it to blocktrade for steem

I worrie the whole process.
Tell me how this is good business practices.
It’s insain

If coinbase gets steem that would make the whole process straight forward. Because the best way is to use an exchange that has steem.

Your 1st step is to open an exchange

Oh my good golly gracious! That's a lot of steps! Now I know why I was procrastinating! Thanks for the heads up. Maybe someone will just gift it to me for Christmas instead. That sounds like way too much opportunity for something to go wrong.

Scares the hell out of me.
As soon as an exchange offers steem it will be much easier. I am hoping it comes soon. There was just an application to coinbase to offer steem. We will see how it turns out
The work around to purchase steem is also hurting its development/growth.

I bet it does! You seem much more well-versed in the process than I am, that's for sure. I didn't realize the exchanges didn't offer steem. Just buying straight from an exchange was daunting enough, but to have to go through all those extra layers is a deal killer for me.

I don’t know crap
I had and are having a hard time with all of this. I just struggle through it.
You should get an exchange that you are comfortable with so when you are ready your understanding is better.

One of the problems I have is that I have no one to turn to here to help and show me things. That hurts my progress and understanding. How nice it would be to have a group to help each other learn

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
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