April 20 th ——80 days of the 90 have passed ——- Life is a surprise

in #esteem5 years ago

I went to the store today. I did not go inside, I waited in the car. My Walking ability is not good enough for that kind of an adventure . The last time I was in that town they were just breaking ground on the building. Progress or change never stops. It is a constant. We might not notice it because we are to close. But move further away from it and you can’t miss the change, its unmistakable.

For the most part people don’t like change. They prefer the comfort of surroundings they know. Its the same with taking a chance on an investment. As we get older we get wiser. Wisdom is a gift that aluds the youth . “ if I only knew back then what I know now”. LOL how often have we made that statement. People do not invest because it is not comfortable. The do not poses the wisdom to invest. Nor do they take the time to educate oneself. Who has the time !


Its been 80 days since the last chemo treatment. I have developed a small cough over the past week. I don’t know what that means if anything. On the 3rd I have a CAT Scan ,then on the 7th an Apointment with the oncologist. We hope for the best and prepare for the worst. You learn that every day is gift , and that is how you treat them.
@briancourteau had a stroke last week. There is not a day over the past months that I don’t thing of them on a daily basis. What we have overcome. What needs to be overcome and just the pure inner strenth it takes to survive. One day at at time. Keep up the fight.


“if I only knew back then what I know now”. LOL how often have we made that statement.

So many times that it has became a habit. 😂

A time machine would be very handy. I have f@cked up plenty of times and a simple time machine would have prevented most of those screwups! 😊

But then we would not be who we are. Our mistakes help form who we are.
It is a nice thought and a fun exercise to think about changing the past as it relates to each of us

Sending big bear hugs to you. Happy Easter, my friend!

Happy Easter my friend and enjoy Easter with your family. :)

beautiful sky view... thanks for share your physical condition update. get well soon.

Thanks for being there

It's 80 already...how time flies! But you still here and fighting.. I hope the cough won't be such a problem on the 90th.

Couldn't agree more with you about then constant change. It's been a year I have been away from my hometown and Mom told me that all flowers that I planted has died and after 3 years finally harvested a big pineapple from our own yard. Things happened and I don't know how I will react to the changes at my hometown.

Thought and pray for you and brian too. Happy Easter @wolfhart.

Time sure did fly by.
I am sure that my body has recovered enough to handle another round of chemo.
Change will happen, for better or worse, it will happen.
I pray daily for Brain
Happy Easter Liza , to you and your family.

Thanks @wolfhart 😊 I don't celebrate Easter but I like long weekend vacation after the election day on wednesday 😊

I believe that you can make it, you are the strongest cancerian (though you are a real taurian 😊) I know and a lively one😍

A long weekend is a good enough reason for a celebration. Hehehe

Life is nothing more then getting through life’s hardships one right after another. We just deal with it.

A long vacation or even a short one would be nice 👍

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                 - wolfhart

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you very ugh for your comment. I sure do like to make replies. I have know idea what the purpose of your comments are. So I will just rattle on and on.......................... ———————-who knows why I sure don’t ———i hope your not saying that Tati is a crap thing, all i was doing way helping them out ( hearing impaired) with support. Its a shame people like you hate the handicapped . Any thing that can provide support helps. ————-1234567890——————. Kkkkkkkkk whahahahahahahahahahahahah. Whahahahahahahaha whahahahahah hehehe

Haiku handicapped maybe that’s it haha rattle in its good for the leaugue

No sense letting a spamming comment go to wast.

I did not do well this week again. thats ok I just do what I can. The best I can.

I will keep all good thoughts that everything is great🌺 sending u my aloha. And yes i have said that line to myself many many times lol. oh gosh how i wish i knew lol

I like aloha : )
Hahaha I think we all have made that statement.

Goodmorning dear HAPPY EASTER 🐣 for you and the mrs, and maybe the loved ones coming to visit. I don’t like the sound off the cough!! But glad you went to the store. I had the dates on my calendar and I know it’s going to be a great birthday present for us both if we get some good news so I am praying for that and that would be the best present for us both, well visiting would be even greater but he can’t ask to much of the big guy.

Love from me

Happy Easter!!
The cough is a major concern . We needed 90 days, 3 months. We made that, so thats a positive thing.
7th and 8th are both great days 👍. Special days : )
The worst thing that will happen is I will go back into chemo. This time I will just shave my head instead of letting it fall out. LOL 😝
I will call oncologist on Monday and see what they want to do.
Today to is a special day. Enjoy Easter my friend.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Keep fighting.

Thank you
Steemians make it Easier. Give me will and strenth

Sorry I missed this when it came out, @wolfhart. I trust you and yours had a good good Easter Sunday.

Has it been 80 days already? Actually more now, isn't it? Holy cow. Time just keeps on flying by.

A cough, eh? Can you take anything if it gets too annoying? Do you have to wait until you have an appointment? Seems like you can go in anytime, right, if something persistent is happening, if only for peace of mind?

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Words to live by. More people should. I would only add, to that phrase, and expect reality to land somewhere in between. :)

I see Lynn popping on to Discord regularly now, but not so much around STEEM itself, though I'm guessing she's attending to some contest here or initiative there, since I see her name associated with this or that, still. Moving behind the scenes, as it were.

Yea I am a little worried about Brain since his stroke. He is doing better, but still . Its a hard road.

I have a CAT scan scheduled for the 3rd. I buy as much time as possible pushing this down the road. As far as cancer goes a week will not make that much difference but it will on the recovery side if I have to go back on chemo. We all knew that chemo was going to happen again.
I am at 3 months since last chemo, and thats great.
There is a small possibility that the cough is from the bone marrow in the rib cage causing the problem from the bone infusion.

Landing in the middle would be like hitting the lottery. :)

I hope you and your family had a great Easter

We did, thank you. We had both sons and their small young families over, ate some ham and other fixings, and pretty much spent the weekend together. My wife actually had Saturday and Sunday off. The girls spent it shopping or at a baby shower, and there was an Easter Egg hunt thrown in for good measure. I hid out most of Saturday on Steemit but was around nearly all the day trying to play with grand kids and being asked to help here and there with the food preparations or cleanup.

So, it was nice. First Easter having everyone together in a while, and definitely since everyone got married and started having kids. We've got everyone living either with us or about 20 minutes away again, so I'm sure we'll be doing more gatherings as the year wears on. Mother's Day I think is the next target.

Of course, if the oldest manages to find a job out of state after finally graduating from college, we might be parting ways again. There's also a possibility the youngest will improve his current work situation, too, meaning the granddaughter and the grandson to be will be gone, too. :/

Hahaha that sure is nice. Well except for the baby shower 😉 hehehe

That’s nice they are close. My son is still here to help out. You get to hang out with the grand kids, that’s priceless.

They do grow up and its not like it was where everyone stayed in the same town. The wife still has a hard time with the separation from the grandkids. They are getting older and boys don’t think its cool hanging with mom let alone grandmothers

Take advantage of it !

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