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RE: 12/16/18 How I Feel About Steem Price And What I Will Do About It.

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

If you do it in reverse now that you have the number it's easy to double check. Just take your 2200 steem x 0.363636 and you will get $800. Double checking math is always about reworking it in reverse.

Side note I'm sure without doing that and knew it was a little over .33 without ever touching a calculator...but math is my thing. Numbers just come easy to me. If I thought about it for a few seconds in my head I could have given you the exact answer...but only after my coffee had kicked in which it hadn't yet.


I knew I was off a little.

I am having a hard time with the simple mental stuff. This week is brutal. It is also why I understand why people opt out of treatment.
I just can’t sit back and let things happen without me pushing. Even if I know deep down I might not be right or sound a little stupid. Its the pushing forward that maters.

I hope all is good with you and family. No leaks in kitchen wall :)
We are doing good here

Don't worry I've known you are "a little off" for some time least now you can blame the meds....LMAO

Keep pushing forward man. It's all about having the drive and will to keep going. Was talking with a good friend a couple nights ago and her father has open heart surgery. While not a simple surgery he was expected to make a full recovery. But he went into it with a shit attitude and after he has refused to keep up on his rehab. He is at the point of having his Wife feed him because his arms get tired. Mind you this is now 7 months after surgery. His heart is no longer and issue and the docs say he is 100% healed. But he gave up. Now due to being immobile he came down with pneumonia and is in the hospital and it's a really bad case. They want him to move around to force him to cough up some of the fluid and he refuses to do what the doctors say as it's to much work. So he lays there doing nothing completely resigned to the idea that he will die. He has kids, grandkids, a much to live for but he stopped fighting.

My friend is a nurse and she says this is 100% his own doing. That he should already be up and stronger then before he heart issues started. It's really sad to see and it's weighing heavy on her as she can't understand why her Dad gave up trying to stay alive.

Keep kicking ass until you can't kick anymore, then at least try to claw out a little more time anyways the very least your family will know that you did your part to be with them as long as possible. It's really sad seeing what she is dealing with.

Onto a more positive note, life is good around here. Kids are doing amazing. Sister inlaw comes into town tonight for a week and then my Sister, niece and nephew (and her husband who I like, but hate for taking my sister across country) will be here later in the week until after New Years. Haven't seen them since the start of summer when they moved....very excited!

Today my Grandparents are coming over for lunch, my Mother inlaw is driving an hour to come for lunch and to give my Grandma a manicure, plus my parents are coming. So we will have a full house today...speaking of which I better get a little cleaning done as that was my excuse not to go to

Meds is a greats excuse LOL

It all about attitude and support. If you have both of them you can’t lose. I don’t know why people give up but they just do. I cannot do that . I am stubborn and will not stop.
Family is important and they will not give up on you so why give up on them. I don’t get it. You have a great strong loving family.

Get to cleaning or a lighting bolt will hit you in the ass :)

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