An amazing new discovery!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #esteem5 years ago


Marian was trying a new experiment with meal worms!

This woman is at her happiest when she can feed someone, or something as is the case here.
I put up a smallish pillar and placed a plastic tray on the top weighted down with a heavy stone. My idea about a temporary bird feeder while I am making a proper one.
But we suspected something and here I will show you the result!


This is a thick and dense bush and our study window is at the left of the bush.
Can you see something through the window?
Look carefully at the bottom in the window!


Ha! Marian and Troy have taken up positions inside. Marian to watch the feeding tray and Troy to look at me Lol


Ah! There she was and Mrs. Robin thought it was Christmas!


Trying to get as many meal worms as possible!


Mr. Robin was more responsible and he only took one for himself!


But where was Mrs. Robin going with her feast?


Well she landed on the roof above the bush next to our study!


As she disappeared into the dense bush I took a peek. Wow! There he was! Our first Spring baby is a little Robin!


Check out the intelligence of the Robins here. They know that there are many cats about, but no cat can get into this dense bush. So they built their nest in here!


You can see Mrs. Robin faintly in the middle of the bush feeding the baby.
I didn't want to touch the bush in case I would scare them away!


Imagine that, an ordinary looking bush with such a lovely surprise living inside it.

We had an expensive lesson to buy the meal worms as some people are real crooks. R1 here is about $0.14 cents and this is what a guy charged us for one meal worm. So we bought 25 meal worms for R25
Then a friend told us of another supplier and we paid R25 for a bucket that contains more than 500 meal worms.
Once I get our garden going here, I will soon have our own worms to keep the Robin family happy.
I call this lesson school fees Lol.

Hope you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


Isnt nature amazing the robins are so sensible building there nest there to protect the young ones, What a ripoff from that first guy glad you found a better deal


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A sincere thank you.

This is amazing. I couldn't help but laugh at Marian's expression looking out the window. That bird has a nice meal.

Hahaha, she thought that the Robin would only take one worm and leave some for the others. Lol
That bird thought it was Christmas my friend.
Blessings and thank you!

I am counting four little worms in her mouth:) i like that you put the rock in the feeder to balance it, Mrs Robin appreciated this also i am sure:)

Thank you Sir George, little Mrs Robin thought that it was Christmas.
Marian was a bit peeved that the Robin took bundles of worms and left nothing for the others, but once we found out that she was feeding a baby, Marian took her even more worms hahaha.
Thank you for the kind support my friend.

It's great what you do for the Robin family, you will soon be able to share with several families in your area.

Thank you and we are already sharing with other families here my friend!

I hope to continue enjoying the sharing, they are very enjoyable.

Thank you and I am waiting for the baby to start flying around here.
Have a good Friday my friend!

That was a lovely journey you took me on just then. How nice too that you have the patience to take such wonderful shots.

Hahaha, can you believe that I can follow a dragonfly for half a day to get a shot at him. We love the Robins and are very happy with them around.
Glad that you enjoyed the journey.

The bird is so cool. And I have never seen birds from under the tail)))😂

Oh no! You looked under her dress hahaha.
The Robins surname is Cool.
We call the lady who's dress you looked under as Mrs. Robin Cool. Lol

What a lovely discover! Beautiful shot's of the robins!
Your robins in Africa are different to ours. That male is really beautiful with it's red tail!
Here is what ours look like over here in Canada

Excellent that you found the baby robin still tucked in safe in the bush before it took flight! Good timing and well worth those expensive mealy worms!

Hope you can get hold of those other cheaper one to keep the robin family well fed!
Thanks for sharing!

Ah! I can see here that they are of the same species my friend. Your Robins also have nice colors and they are indeed beautiful birds.
We already got the cheaper worms.

Wonderful photos. I always enjoy seeing your wildlife shots.

Thank you Sir and thank you also for the kind words.

Loved the pictures and the robin story!

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Glad that you liked the post my friend.
Blessings and thank you!

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