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RE: TUTORIAL Video - HOW TO USE ESTEEM Apps For Beginners Part #1

in #esteem7 years ago

Good information Mr@joe28 ...
Let many people know about this information do not get behind later because it was important information.
This news very nice and pulled me will join you an call a powerful other and i also have.
The priest nawawi, room jerjak little antecedent side gate are broken, kids can go out dr stu wlwpun in the key of gate.
Please attention from authorities!


Thanks for coming pawang si

Wellcome my big master of ileh..
When me again control children played football last i suddenly see any small beetle that stand in trees color beetles agency the top color itam the bottom of a yellow color very interesting when i look the animal he looked weak gitu maybe why the sun very hot tadi.maka me get you some pictures of him also not fly in the tree.
Thank you @joe28

Sombong ialah tidak menerima kebenaran dan menghina sesama manusia.
Orang sombong memiliki ciri - ciri tidak tahan mendengar kritik dan saran. Orang sombong bila dikritik akan emosi, sakit hati, dendam dan sibuk balas mengkritik . Mereka akan lebih sibuk membela diri daripada intropeksi diri. Orang sombong juga biasanya mudah tersinggung. Orang sombong sering merasa dialah yang selalu benar sehingga sulit menerima pendapat orang lain.
Kadang mudah bagi kita untuk menilai kesombongan orang lain tapi sulit sekali untuk mengakui kesombongan diri sendiri yang justru akan menjadi sifat yang mencelakai kita.

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