Strange tracks in the snow

in #esteem5 years ago

Looking out the window this morning I could see these strange tracks on my icy snowy drive way.


I had to wonder what drama had taken place during the night. I have seen wing prints in the snow where an eagle has come down to grab a less fortunate critter for lunch. But these tracks did not look like that.


Maybe it was a small hungry creature looking for food? We did see a chipmunk out in the snow yesterday.


When my daughter came by she went out to do a closer inspection to see if she could deduce what had happened. It was easy to figure out and she came back in the house laughing.

Bambi on Ice


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Haha well deduced by your daughter. I thought for a moment you were going to say it was Bigfoot 😃

Hahaha! The snow really paints a picture of the things that happens when you are not looking!

Nature is always on the move and tricky to capture. Imagine if you had a video of the ice skating animal. Youtube gold lol

One of the kids in the neighborhood has a trail cam setup aiming at the Deer Trail but goes through my backyard. Now I'm going to have to tell him that he should have had a front yard camera setup also!

Sounds like a plan. You can get those camera's that are triggered by movement. If fact if you have a webcam. That would work fine too.

Maybe it was deer cursive writing saying Hi?

That may be it! Those animals really are smarter than we think!

You really think that's what made those tracks? I would believe it seeing the ones where it doesn't look like it was slipping around everywhere. Man that would have been a cool thing to see. I left and came home to some deer prints one night and thought it was weird I didn't see them when I left and looked to my right and there was a buck standing in my front yard.

It was easy to see the tracks leading to the tangle, and then after, moving away. The snow does show us things that we might have missed otherwise!

Hello ...!!
Wow. Thats pretty neat... And they look so Big...!!!! I have never seen Eagle tracks. The closest big bird tracks I have here are wild turkeys. And their tracks are no where near that size and the don't look the same.

The eagles feet were busy making the grab. They never touched the snow. What I saw was his wing prints and they were huge! It is so ingrained in my memory that I feel like I should have a picture of it somewhere, but I don't believe that I do.

Most interesting...

My daughter thinks she remembers a photo of the eagle print in the snow. I'll have to look a bit deeper.

Awesome. I would love to see the pictures if you should find them.
Thank You

Hahahaha! Brilliant! Kudos to your daughter for figuring it out!

We had a great laugh when we realized what it was from! How do goats do on ice?

I've never gotten to watch them try. They tend to stay inside when it's icky out. They will go out in the snow because the weight of it lowers the limbs on the fir trees and they get a free snack. We don't have that kind of ice though. If we ever get some I will record it and send it to you!

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We'll just hope for no ice!

Yes! Although it was 19 this morning. Very sad.

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Cute video of Bambi and the rabbit. At first , I thought the print at the bottom left looked like a raccoon made it but looking at the other side it looks clawlike.

It became obvious from the tracks leading into the tangle and then out the other side who it was!

That must be kind of fun to know what passed through by way of their tracks...or to have a mystery. I have grass outside so no way of knowing, but I get the feeling there is a lot of traffic.

A neighbor has a trail cam set up and focused on the deer trail that is in my backyard. Now I'm wondering if we should have one at the front of the house also! I'm pretty sure that we all have lots of activity after dark. My daughter lives in town and she put in one of those cameras by her door so that she can see who is coming up her steps, and she is quite amazed by all the activity that happens in her yard after dark that she was not aware of before

That would be fun to see the image of the creature that made each track. Those things kind of give me the creeps though. I just imagine I would have some weird mystery creature that would leave me creeped out by my woods from then on :)

Haha! That is exactly the reason why I have avoided horror movies and books my entire life!

Some people have wayyyy too active of imaginations, and those people cannot do horror movies.

I make that sound all impartial, like I am not in that category :)

Hahaha! I like living in the woods and I figured out early on that it was not in my best interest to do horror
And even some suspense is pushing it!

That's so funny and cute!

Isn't it funny, I think that deer was wearing high heels!

Well when you have great legs you might as well show them off! :)

Oh! At least it was not ufo landing track!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Now THAT would make a great post!

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