
howdy tonight Melinda! There you are! That was strange not having you around last night, didn't feel right. lol. Did you take off early? hey does esteem work fast on your newer laptop? I'm curious to know how it will run on my new computer.

My phone is faster, but I think you will love Surfer2 on your new computer! I hope it works flawlessly!
Actually, I watched some TV last night. I am pretty much in love with this new TV set!

haha! good for you to take a little time off and enjoy yourself! I pretty much love that tv too just from you talking about it. lol. We'll get a new one in a few years.

I had never seen the picture on one before. It is rather astonishing! It's more like watching a stage production than it is a TV show!

Really? I haven't even seen any new tv's so I guess technology has really advanced! That's amazing. I'd be addicted immediately! I'd say steemit who? lol.

I have had to force myself not to turn it on today! But I may give in tomorrow!

haha! yeah I'd just enjoy myself this week if I were you, at this point.

haha! yeah I'd just enjoy myself this week if I were you, at this point.

Being off for a few days has made me realize that finding a bit more balance in my life might be a good thing!

Off to see how good that blanket feels!


Howdy today Melinda! wow look at pitiful me but you did well for taking the day off! lol. I missed this last night because I was setting up my new computer, hence the low numbers. I forgot how dang much stuff there was to set up and transfer, I've got most of the important things in place but it's going to take awhile to be 100%. I just got on esteem here, so far no lag time but I haven\t gone to anyone's posts yet.

I've gotten used to sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting for pages to load, for photos to load, for the reply button to finish, for the upvote button to finish. I mean minutes, sometimes ten minutes! Hours wasted each day so I hope that part is eliminated with the new computer, it has huge capacity so it should help.

So are you up and running now? Or do you have more set up to do?

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