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RE: black and white for monomad

in #esteem6 years ago

I wish I knew more about them. I just bought some really great ones from @rt395 to give to my grandkids as Christmas gifts. I have learned a lot from his posts, but mostly, the ones I have picked up have just been because I thought they were pretty or they had an unusual shape and would remind me of places I have been. Over the years they've got mingled together and I kind of forget where they're from unless it's something really special that I have clear memories of. When we drove around Lake Superior we stopped at an amethyst mine in Ontario and on one of my trips out to Upper New York I went to a quarry where are garnets were often found. I have walked the beaches in Michigan looking for Petoskey stones, but that certainly doesn't even qualify me as a rockhound, I don't think!


hey there melinda010100! wow I wish all my comments were that long, that's a nice size. My problem is I have "short" thoughts for some reason. lol. I can wrap my thoughts up and they're always 2 to 6 lines normally.

Glen's is 800 words or more! but anyway..hey..I bet if you were younger you would have been a serious rock hound. But even as it was it sounds like you've been able to find some interesting stuff.

but what are Petoskey stones? I think you sound like an amateur rock hound!

Your commrnts are always impressive! I use two different devices so that I can type on one and view the comment on the other otherwise I forget all the points that I wanted to answer from the previous comment! It becomes a rather complicated system sometimes!
A Petoskey stone is a coral fossil that is only found on the shores of Lake Michigan in the Petoskey, MI area. I have a couple that I found on the beach and polished with a grinding wheel. My first attempt ever to do anything like that! image

howdy again melinda010100...oh wow..those are really super, super cool looking and they have to be ancient right? they're stunning and you can just walk along the beach and pick them up?
how big are those?

They are fist size. It is best to go hunting early in the spring or after a big storm. Ir is a well known collecting site. 350 million years old. Unfathomable.
They are for sale in the gift shops but even though my specimens are not the most beautiful soecimens, they are ones I found myself! You have given me another post topic. I need to start a list!

hey melinda010100! oh that is so cool, 350 million years old! wow. yeah I suppose that you can buy them on ebay or Amazon too but it would be so much fun to find and collect them yourself! lol. and the only place to find them is Lake Ontario? in the whole world?

Lake Michigan. On the Michigan side. It is their state stone. I think they can be found in other areas around the Midwest, but walking the beaches in downtown Petoskey Michigan is the best known, collecting site.

wow melinda010100.. "walking the beaches in downtown Petoskey Michigan " that is very cool, were there other people walking the beach looking too or were you alone?

It was early in the season, i was wearing a coat, but there were still several others there. The wind was ferocious so I was probably only out there a half hour or less and found a handful. Not the greatest, but I was happy with them!

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