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RE: Strange tracks in the snow

in #esteem5 years ago

A neighbor has a trail cam set up and focused on the deer trail that is in my backyard. Now I'm wondering if we should have one at the front of the house also! I'm pretty sure that we all have lots of activity after dark. My daughter lives in town and she put in one of those cameras by her door so that she can see who is coming up her steps, and she is quite amazed by all the activity that happens in her yard after dark that she was not aware of before


That would be fun to see the image of the creature that made each track. Those things kind of give me the creeps though. I just imagine I would have some weird mystery creature that would leave me creeped out by my woods from then on :)

Haha! That is exactly the reason why I have avoided horror movies and books my entire life!

Some people have wayyyy too active of imaginations, and those people cannot do horror movies.

I make that sound all impartial, like I am not in that category :)

Hahaha! I like living in the woods and I figured out early on that it was not in my best interest to do horror
And even some suspense is pushing it!

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