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RE: A Trip to Malacca – My Journal, Part 4

in #esteem5 years ago

If you are Singaporean, immigration should not be that much of a nightmare, right? Or do you just mean the massive crowds at immigration?

I lived in Singapore for 5 years, and coming in thru Changi was always a breeze. Only once did I come thru the Woodlands checkpoint ... and that was enough!


My problem was - this was my first time using the Woodlands immigration and I didn't know where is what. But once I joined the right queue, all went smoothly. Still, I am very uncomfortable with the sea of people. Like you, once is enough, and I don't want to have to go through with that again. However, I think that is impossible to avoid.

Me neither. When I went to Malacca, I went out thru Tuas, and came back in thru Woodlands. Both were unpleasant, and even confusing. I'll avoid those crossings is I can.

I second that. haha...
How are you doing? Are you still in Thailand?

Yep, still in Chiang Mai. But the "new" government is making all sorts of new laws regarding foreign residents / retirees, so it's becoming increasingly difficult for us to stay here.

Many of my friends are abandoning this country when their current visas expire. My visa is good until April, but after that, I'll probably move to another country. Maybe Indonesia, maybe Malaysia .... will see.

How's everything with you?

So, you like it here in South-East Asia. I have a couple of friends who love it here too, but were forced to go back to the UK because of Visa/residency problems.
April is another half a year away. Plenty of time to think of what to do next should they not renew your visa, but at the same time, half a year is a blink of the eye away. Best wishes.
I am great. Thanks for asking. Plodding along, one day at a time.

Yes, I really like it here. I'm Canadian, but have lived in the US, Japan, India, Singapore, and now Thailand.

Singapore was great, but only when I had a job making decent money. As soon as I lost my job, I left.

As for SE Asia, I kinda like it. At various times over the past 20 years, I've travelled in most of the SE Asian countries, and each one has its charm ... even the poorer, undeveloped countries such as Lao and Cambodia. Life seems to move at a slower pace here. The people are pleasant and trustworthy ... for the most part. The food is great. And, the cost of living is low. That's why I'm here, and that's why I'll probably stay in this corner ofd the world.

Keep plodding along, until you get free from the plodding. ;-)

Wow! You have moved about a bit.
It can't be fun having to worry about where you are going to be in six months time. I hope it all works out for you one way or another.
Are you living off your Steem income?
Yep, keep plodding. But some days it feels like the same shit but different days. 😊

Not much income from Steemit ... yet. I'm living on my savings, as well as some investment in precious metals and crypto.

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