
They bear fruits too.. but smaller than dragon fruits and needed human help to polinated the flowers, my epiphyllum pumilum had bear some fruits because it can be fliwering up to a dozens (sometimes a hundred) in one night, but pumilum has smaller and less scented flowers than oxypetallum.

So it is true that the flowers bud for only one night and gone the next day? I read that on Facebook but I was wondering how fast can the flowers wither... will slowly bloom within an hour aroun 7-8 or 9-10 pm, then will keep on at bloming shape for more than 3-5 hours, you'll see it withered at 7-8 in the morning😊, will check on my last recording video a year ago.

It depends on the area, though it is in the same family with succulent, but it grows better at the highland. The species flower only last for a night but the hybrids would last for 2-5 days.

I see. I think I really have to find those plants and try them myself. I kept on thinking about it but just like many other things, it is still on my to-do list... :D

Thanks for those info! :)

You are very welcome 😉 if you found the species, make sure it is oxypetalum, pumilum or hookeri.. they're the best white scented flowers. But if you found the pink california dream or orange asqii .. you'll be surprise how they manage remain blooming for 2 days😉

I guess I'll find pink california dream or orange asqii then... 😊

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