September : Time To Candied My Bilimbis😃

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Hellow Steemit Fellows 👐

image Blooming Bilimbi's Flower at my tree

It's been a month my hubby and I taking care of small shop belongs to My Father in Law. The Shop is built at the other side of our small house, it used to be a back yard and garage. Right after My FIL left for doing the Hajj or pilgrimage journey, we decided to renovate the shop and faces so many obstacles while doing that.

image I was shocking while I saw this in the morning, hubby has his own idea😂

He pounded the tiles and then re-arrange the floor. The shop was really in a mess😂 but I disagreed to close it during the renovation because many customers depend on our services everyday, beside they don't seem bothered by the situation.

image well, finally something worth to step on😂 though it has not finished, yet

The regular customers predicted about My FIL reaction about the shop when he comes back next week😀 but I said nothing to worry about, I knew My FIL won't complaining as long as we still have walls to paint😂. My FIL will be 80 YO next January 8th, Insya Allah, and I think he really needs to relax and enjoy his day without worrying about the shop and customers anymore. He could take a nap anytime he wants and we will do the shopping for the shop too.

Abandoned Garden

image I think that shaping this jasminum sambac shrubs is the first thing that My Fill will take care of once he gets home 😂

I can say that during the shop renovation and running it, we have no time to check on the front yard plants😔, I almost missed out the chance to see our yellow and orange four o'clocks flowers bloom, the red sweet potatoes digged out by the rats and dozens of my cattapas nut gone without a trace but I knew who has it. My begonia is dying, the white roses stem seems dying but the red roses getting taller, and surprise..surprise 😉 2 little flower buds appears on epiphyllum oxypetalum😍

image I realise that I miss the big white scented flower which bloom at night, now

One thing that I can be sure of😄 the bilimbi tree is flowering and bear fruits again, which mean that I can make the candied sun-dried bilimbi😊

image what a beautiful scene💖 I think I can pick more than a hundred fruits by the end of the month to make the candied bilimbi

I picked up 50 half ripen bilimbis, couple days ago. But ai forgot to process it after soaking it in salt😷 when I checked on it today, there nothing I can do to save it. What a waste 😢 50 bilimbis mean 200 grams of candied bilimbi that worth for $2. I forgot about it though I put it near to the dining table at the kitchen.

Candied Bilimbi?

I have made 5 serials posts about it in March this year, and not quite great posts at that time eventhough I wrote it in 3 languages, English, Indonesia and Achenese before. I still use facebook to promote steem and share my posts until today, facebook is reminding me about the process of making the candied bilimbi a year ago. Arrgghh it's been a year, how time flies and I need to save the bilimbis by candied it through a week processing.

image this is a snap that I took from my facebook 5 consecutive days last year about the process of making candied sun-dried bilimbis

I'm thinking about to create another posts about the process when the fruits are ready. I wish that I could have more than 300 fruits to get 1 kilogram candied bilimbis for my friend😀 a loyal customer from Aceh, where bilimbi trees grow almost anywhere. Funny that I've never made this while I lived in Aceh before 😅

image at least I have a new corner as my work place in the middle of the messy shop

There are many things that we need to handle in the shop before the returns of FIL on September 18th, only 4 days left and I don't know how can I support many of beautiful initiatives here on Steemit. I need to finish this task now😂

image perhaps none coming for coffees while I worked on this pave

see you later and thanks for stopping by


After your trip you are back to hard work again!
Is that you putting the tiles in? (Love your hat!!) Hey I thought that was your husband's idea?

I had to look up bilimbi it is not a familiar fruit to me. A shame the first ones went bad. In the photo they look similar to dried dates. But I read they are not naturally sweet like dates are, they start out very sour and some people make them into pickles. I like your idea better!

Thank you @donna-metcalfe 😉 the bamboo hat supposed to be farmers or travelling traders hat and we bought it to turn it as lamp caps😂. And it is me putting the tiles😁 hubby said it is so hot and he doesn't want me dehidrate or tanning under the sun while working on it. And I told him I have a hat and there's nothing to worry about as long as he lets me putting the tiles.

Averrhoa Bilimbi is a tropical fruits, acidics and hard to consume its fresh fruits. People of Aceh dried ut under the sun and add the salt to keep it save for a year and use it in many traditional foods recipes. Well.. I made that kind once, but hubby and FIL didn't really like to eat my cook with that, so I learnt how to handle the sour taste and sweetened it with sugar and add some chillies or cloves and cinnamon barks to enrich the taste. I sold it to a friend and she loves it.

Now I understand why you've been away! Does FIL mean grandfather? I love seeing all the different plants and fruit there ... hope you have time for a post on candied bilimbis too :)

I've been away this week too ... well, away from steemit, and just enjoying time with Brian and Buddy :) I read through the comments here and I love how your hubby wanted you to wear that hat :) You two are sweet!

Now I understand why you've been away! Does FIL mean grandfather? I love seeing all the different plants and fruit there ... hope you have time for a post on candied bilimbis too :)

Thank you @lynncoyle1 😊 FIL mean Father In Law. @dipoabasch's Father. 3 of us are living together in the last 2 years.

Yes, I'll try to create a wrap up process of the making of candied bilimbi .. I've posted a 5 days process last March😊 I just need the recent photos to add in my draft. Thank you for stopping by. So glad that you enjoyed the time with Brian and Buddy at the new apartement, who could resist the pool and the views straight to the open sea?

FIL of course! You crazy kids and your short forms haha

I'll look forward to your posts then too ... so very interesting to me. Yes, the pool, Brian, the patio and yes Buddy ... all of it has kept me away from steemit, but I don't feel too badly about it all. It's all about balance I guess!

FIL of course! You crazy kids and your short forms haha

I read that short form from @headchange's post months ago😊 I thought everybody knew it😄you know that I can do that "sneaky" sometimes.

And fyi @lynncoyle1, I've started the process.. a friend asked me to prepare the candied bilimbi for an exhibition next month. Here a snap.
image soaking the bilimbi in sugar for a night

I think you're not really away from steemit😉 considering that you on vacation, even though I (like others) always waiting any news from you😊 bad or good doesn't matter, we keep you and brian in our pray.

Wow, you're really busy yeah?

That epiphyllum oxypetalum, what is the local name of that in your area? I don't know how we call it but when I first saw it in pots in our neighborhood, I thought it was the dragon fruit. I was amazed like, wow, dragon fruits can survive in pots! But then I had to laugh when I realized it was not the dragon fruit. :D

😂 many people here in Indonesia use the dragon fruit stem as grafting media to grow other types of epiphyllum. We call epiphyllum oxypetalum as Wijaya Kusuma or Bangkawali. I only have 2 type of species and still trying to get the other hybrid types but I need to go to West Java to get it.

Dragon Fruit Flower has the similar look like wijaya kusuma except for its sweet scent. This one is a species and the most popular one for its scent.

So that Bangkawali just bears flowers and not fruits, is it?

They bear fruits too.. but smaller than dragon fruits and needed human help to polinated the flowers, my epiphyllum pumilum had bear some fruits because it can be fliwering up to a dozens (sometimes a hundred) in one night, but pumilum has smaller and less scented flowers than oxypetallum.

So it is true that the flowers bud for only one night and gone the next day? I read that on Facebook but I was wondering how fast can the flowers wither... will slowly bloom within an hour aroun 7-8 or 9-10 pm, then will keep on at bloming shape for more than 3-5 hours, you'll see it withered at 7-8 in the morning😊, will check on my last recording video a year ago.

It depends on the area, though it is in the same family with succulent, but it grows better at the highland. The species flower only last for a night but the hybrids would last for 2-5 days.

I see. I think I really have to find those plants and try them myself. I kept on thinking about it but just like many other things, it is still on my to-do list... :D

Thanks for those info! :)

You are very welcome 😉 if you found the species, make sure it is oxypetalum, pumilum or hookeri.. they're the best white scented flowers. But if you found the pink california dream or orange asqii .. you'll be surprise how they manage remain blooming for 2 days😉

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Well now I know why I haven't talked to you much this week. I have not been as active either.
I guess you are going to be in a big hurry now. Fil probably has no idea about all the mischief of tearing apart the shop.
You are doing good putting it back together I see.

You are doing good putting it back together I see

Thank you, all I have to do now is smooth the gap between the tiles with colour cement, I hope I can make it tomorrow after taking care of FIL abandoned bedroom 😁 I managed to wash and ironing his clothes that ashes covered yesterday, i hope he won't be upset to see the shop condition😆 another hectic week is coming😓

Well good luck! sounds like you are going to be super busy this whole week.
BTW we both got on the pifc minnow building list! We will be minnow red rockets really soon now for sure.

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