CAPSULE HISTORY (Habib Abdullah And Mosques Sacred Empang Bogor)

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


Empang Bogor district South of the city of Bogor, became famous because of the location of the Sacred Mosque stood An Nur which its location right on the Lolongok.
In the complex of the mosque An nur, Al Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas was buried in the Tomb, together with his sons, namely Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Mukhsin Athas, Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Zen Athas, Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Husen Athas, Al Habib Abu Bakar Bin Abdullah Al Athas, Sarifah Noor Bint Abdullah Al Athas, and the tomb of his beloved disciple, i.e. Al Habib Habib Alwi Bin Muhammad Bin Tohir.
In the Manakibnya mentioned that Al-Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas is a "Waliyullah" which has achieved glorious position close to Allah SWT. He includes one of his countless Waliyullah unequalled in the history of the development of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia. He was a cleric "Murobi" and look up the tasauf so that it becomes the Queen giving is good for all human groups as well as jin.
Al Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin. Ibn Muhammad. Bin Abdullah. Ibn Muhammad. Bin Mukhsin. Bin Husen. Ibn Al Sheikh Al-Habib polar, Umar Bin Abdurrohman Al Athas is a spiritual figure widely known by all circles both public and special. He is an "Expert kasaf" and Religious scholars that are difficult to compare keluawasan Science, the number of deeds, kemulyaan or Bob was. Al Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas of South Yemen native, he was born in the village of hawrat
one of the villages in the Al, Kampung kharaidhoh, "Khadramaut" on Tuesday the 20 Initial Jumadi 1275 Hijri. Since childhood he was a spiritual education and getting special attention from his father. He mepelajari the Qur'an in his childhood from Mu'alim Sheikh Umar Bin Faraj Bin Sabah.
At the age of 17 years he had already memorized the Qur'an. Then he handed over to his father by the leading scholar in his time. He can draw a variety of Sciences and Islamic faith.
Among the teachers – teachers, one of them is Assyayid Al Habib Al Qutbi Abu Bakar Bin Abdullah Al Athas, of the teacher that one he had studied – the science of spiritual and tasauf, he gets a special prayer from Al Habib Abu Bakr Al Athas, so he reached the degree of kewalian. Among them a spiritual teacher, he should be proud of is that Shaykh Al mulya Habib Bin Abdullah Al Wadi a'mad inhabitants of Athas.
Habib Abdullah had read Al Fatiha before Habib Habib Ibn Saalih Ibn Saalih and menalkinkan Al Fatihah Al A'rif Billahi him Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Habsi. When looking at Al Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin which at that time still a small little son beliu said this will be the mulya position.
Al Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin had studied the book of treatise essay Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Zen Al Habsi to Al Habib Abdullah Bin A'lwi Alaydrus often encountered Imam Al boy Ztf Al Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Muhdhor. In addition he also briefly visit several Waliyulllah who were living in hadramaut as Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Bari a Sunnah and asar. And Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdullah Basudan. He lived at the residence of Sheikh Muhammad basudan for some time in order to deepen the religion. In 1282 Hijri, Abdulllah Ibn Habib Mukhsin Hajj first time.
During his time in the Holy land he meet and dialogue with scholars – the leading Islamic scholars. Then, after running the Hajj, he returned to Negrinya with carry a lot of blessings. He also visited the city of Tarim to reaping the benefits of the guardian – trustee.
After felt enough then he left the city of Tarim by bringing a number of blessings are not priceless. He also visited several villages and several cities in Hadramaut to visit the Trustees and the personage – the religious figures and Tasauf both from the Al A'lwi as well as from other families.
In 1283 H, he did his second Hajj. Upon returning from the Hajj, he traveled to various peloksok of the world to seek the gift of God and source of livelihood which is a task for a soulless mulya mulya. With the permission of Almighty God, the trip was delivering he got to Indonesia. He met with a number of Waliyullah of Al Alwi, among others, Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Hamzah Al Athas.
Since pertemuanya with Habib Ahmad he get Ma'rifat. And, Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin beginning his return to Java choose his place as the city of Pekalongan. The teacher he Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Athas many devote considerable attention to him every time his teacher menunjungi Pekalongan, he didn't want to stay at home except Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athos.
In each meeting Habib Ahmad always provide spiritual direction to Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin so that the relationship between the two very closely entwined that Habib. Habib Ahmad he much spiritual benefit that is difficult to talk about in the paper this quick paced.
In the journey of his life Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas has ever entered into the prison by the Government of the Netherlands, perhaps this experience of God has outlined. Because God wanted to give him a high position and close to it. Bad luck has also experienced by the Prophet Joseph was languishing in a US prison for several years. However, once out of prison, he was given a high position by Mashor who has imprisoned her.
Karomah and Sanctity Habib Abdullah

During his time in prison to keramatan Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin visible so that the more people who come to visit the kerpenjaraan. Of course it was surprising the magnifying prison and guards. Until they opt in to get the blessings and benefits of oversize Habib Abdullah jailed,

Any application and intention that visitors pass to Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin always granted Almighty Allah, the guards feel overwhelmed the visitors who came to face him they then propose to the head of the prison so soon freeing him. However, when the proposal dirawarkan to Habib Abdullah he refused and preferred to menungu until the completion of the period of punishment.
One night the doors of prison arrived – arrive, came to him and he was the grandfather of Al Habib Umar Bin Abdurrohman Al Athas and said, if you want to get out of jail he went out right now, but if you want to be patient so be patient.
He apparently chose to be patient in the prison that night, Sayyidina Al Faqih Al Muqodam and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Zaelani guardian figures and some came up to him. On that occasion Sayyidina Al Faqih Al Muqodam gives a skullcap. It turns out that e.g. the day the Skullcap still remain at the head of the Al-Habib Abdullah When he meet with Al Faqih Al Muqodam in the dream.
The visitors continued to flock kepenjara so that the United Nations be transformed it into a home that was always intended, he gets an incredible range of kekeratan bear in mind it owned the salaf such great Assukran and Sheikh Umar Muhdor

Between Karomah he get is as mentioned Al Habib Muhammad Bin Idrus Al-Habashi that Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas when getting grace from God Almighty, he sank full greatness of God, lost with all the relationship of the natural world and the sergala contents. Al Habib Muhammad Al-Habashi Idrus also said, when I mengujunginya Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athos in prison I saw his performance was very authoritative and she looks Divine glow lined by. When he saw me he say the temple – the Temple of poetry Habib Abdullah Al Hadad who is beginning his temple are "Wahaii who visited me in a cold night, when there are no more people who will spread the news nature, Furthermore, said Habib Muhammad Idrus, while we were hugging and crying, "
Karomah more every time he looked at the cuffs of his feet, then membelegu terlepaslah handcuffs it.
Mentioned also that when the leadership of the prison told his subordinates to tie keher Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin then with rante iron then cabled chains God it regardless, and the leader of the prison along with the family and its relatives got sick, the doctor Unable to treat the disease and the family that prison leaders, then leader of the prison are aware that;p enyakitnya and disease that caused her family because she had hurt Al Habib is being jailed.
Later, the head of the prison for praying for his Messenger, a disease suffered by the head in prison and his family in order to recover it Then, said Habib Abdullah told the envoys that take the handcuffs and rante this tie in the leg and neck prison leaders It is, then it will be whole him.
Then what was said by dikerjakanlah Habib Abdullah, then with the permission of Almighty God and his prison-led disease instantly healed. Leadership is the cause of this incident prison makin sure sanctity Habib Abdullah Al Mukhsin Athas. Sekeluarnya from prison, he lived in Jakarta for several years.
Travel to Empang

From another source mentioned, that the early arrival of Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas to Indonesia, in the year 1800 a.d., the time that he was ordered by the Al Imam Habibul Abdullah bin Abu Bakr Alayidrus, to go to the city of Mecca. And arriving in Mecca, he used to carry out prayers and in the evening he met dream Rasullah SAW, whatever that dimimpikannya, which is clearly to the next day he departed the country Indonesia.
Arriving in Indonesia, he reunited with Al Habib Ahmad Bin Hamzah Al Athas that da dipakojan Jakarta and he studied religion from him, and Habib Ahmad Bin Hamzah Al Athas told him to come visit the Habib Husen outside stem, from there the journey he came to Bogor
He came to Empang with not carrying anything,

By the time he came to Empang Bogor, there is mentioned that Empang which at that time no inhabitants, but with science, he can be turned on and be Told, brightly lit there is sanctity to another happens anyway when he ate the Middle suburb empang, coincidentally at a time when it comes to he a resident of Bogor, Habib, and said "If you are truly a Sacred, Habib tunjukanlah to I will kekeramatannya ...
At the time it happened to Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas Middle eating a fish and fish it's tinggall half again. Then Habib Abdukkah said "Yaa same Anjul ilaman Tabis," (o fish if really love me tunjukanlah) then the permission of Allah SWT, immediately the fish who lived next door to again jump to empang. Supposedly the flatfish until now still living at sea.
The Sacred Mosque Empang founded circa 1828 M. establishment of the mosque is conducted along the Habaib and great scholars in Indonesia. Around the area of the Sacred Mosque ruins House the residence of Habib Abdullah, who is now the House was occupied by the Caliph mosque, Habib Abdullah Bin Al Zen Athas. In the House there are special rooms that can't just anyone entering it, because that room was a place of seclusion and remembrance. Even there he ruins such as beds, canes, robe and sorbannya which until now still kept intact.
Books he more or less there are 850 book, but there are now living 100 book, the rest is stored in the "Jamaturkhair or in Rabitoh". Tanah Abang, Jakarta. One of his famous essay of the book is "Faturrabaniah" it is said that the book was only circulated among the large,

As for his other book "Ratibul Ahtas and Ratibul Hadad." The second book was a routine lessons taught each time by him to his disciples in the he is still alive, even to the son and grandson, Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas advocated so that she remains.
Habib Abdullah Bin Al Athas, was a Waliyullah with its action spread Islam from one country to another kenegeri. In Kampung Empang, he married a woman of dalem keturanan Sholawat. From there he gets the wakaf land large enough, until now 85 buildings located in kampung Empang in certificate on behalf of the Al Habib Abdullah Bin Al Mukhsin Athas.
During his lifetime until towards the end of his life he was always reading the daily Prophet Sholawat done dawam in read as much as a thousand times, with Font Book known as "Dala'l Khoirot" meaning kindness ordered by Allah SWT.
According to Manakib, he invoked God Almighty on the day of Tuesday, 29 Zulhijjah 1351 Hijri beginning time of Zuhr Corpse he was buried the next day Wednesday after prayers: Zuhr. Countless number of people who join the mesholatkan corpse. He was buried in the western part of the An nur Mosque Empang, before his death he was stricken ill flu lightly.t


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