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in #esteem5 years ago

Howdy Miss Lena! Well this is fantastic, this is a healthy peanut butter and jelly replacement! But what really surprised me were the pansies, I had no idea they were edible! What do they taste like? do you make your own almond butter too?
This whole recipe and post is great! lol.


You are so funny Janton, with your curiosity for the tasteless things, lol. Honestly, when I was gabbling up that delicious jam, the flavor took over and I hardly tasted the almond butter. Forget the pansies, lol. They really don't have much taste, but they are actually healthy, besides how cute they are, so they are popular in fancy cuisines to decorate cakes, pastry and are also great for salads.

The almond butter is store bought, but you can make your own f you like, lol. There is lots of recipes online.

But thank you so much for your cheerful comment, I really appreciate it

Howdy today Miss Lena! I did my post today and there is a Lena on there too, Geronimo's daughter was named Lena. But anyway you are very welcome about the comment, your posts are so interesting.
I think it would be fun to make my own almond butter, I might have to look that up!

Howdy Janton! Oh my name is in your story? I would never expect that. I will check it out soon as I can, but I am still busy doing a photoshoot. I am doing two today and tomorrow I will be out with my daughter and the boys. I also posted new post today. I should be able read your post tomorrow before I leave or when I come back 😊

oh yes, no hurry on reading my post, todays didn't have much except a bunch of great photos.
How long does it usually take you to do a photoshoot?
and what will you be doing with the boys and your daughter? is the weather nice enough to do things outside yet?

Oh here is an older comment from you Janton! The photoshoots can take anywhere from 30min to 1 hour. That is if I do not include the food preparation and photo editing.

And about my day with the boys; we went to a playground, first outdoor in the park before it started rain. It was +20C, the only day this year so far. Than we had lunch and we went to indoor playground. They had a blast, as they always do, lol. I had too, because they make me laugh so much. Fr example, Nicholas was reading book out loud, but he didn;t know we were watching. He didn't know how to read yet obviously, but he sounds so serious!

haha! laughing at the description of Nicholas reading out loud but he can't read yet! How old are they?
I know they're at the age that make it alot of fun to be around!

Well they just turned 3 on April 1st and they are very chatty now. By the way, it was a cook book for kids in toy kitchen. They like to pretend they are cooking by the way, lol.

However, they also know all the names of the constructions trucks since last year and names of dinosaurs that we can't even pronounce, lol.

All kids are fun and adorable at this age, but twins are double fun 😂

Howdy again Miss Lena! sorry for the late reply, oh my gosh you wrote your comment 8 hours ago. I've been outside working. But anyway, what a wonderful age for those kids and what a blessing! I love that and you are such a wonderful grandma! They are SO lucky to have you!

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