eSteem - iOS v1.3.9 released, Bug fixes, Multi-account, Multi-notification, Voting slider, improvements, language updates

in #esteem8 years ago (edited)

@good-karma I love the update! One bug is when following a link there's no 'back' button so I have to close the app to exit preview. Otherwise spectacular app! Highly reccomended.

Thank you! Links which is within steem/it should open within app and other external link should open inappbrowser, which I think we can make it to open in default browser of user's choice. Will improve this, noted on github.

Fantastic! This is exactly the fix I was looking for. Thank you very much!

Really! This used to be one of the most annoying apps on my phone honestly, but its gotten SO much better since I've started using it.

I have made a lot changes since v1.3.9 release, 1.4.0 will be even better and more responsive... :)

Great work, thank you! I find it impressive to code mobile apps and wish I would be able to do the same. Do you code the apps all by yourself or do you have a team that works with you on those. I assume you use Java for Android and Swift for iOS?

Hey, thank you! Depending on app, with eSteem it is unique in a way that it is community project. Opensource, anyone literally can join the team! For example, @testz manages translation and we work with almost around 70 translators most of them working to get eSteem in their own language, I consider them also part of team so in short yes we have a team! :) As for implementation, currently eSteem is hybrid implementation, not fully native, if we feel a need for moving to native, we will, but for now hybrid approach is more efficient for us.

Thanks a bunch for the great news and updates on bug fixes too. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

I don't know what was fixed but I haven't been able to log in or comment on posts for over a week. All good now. I love your eSteem app.

The app no longer updates reputation, nor does it show post value on blog... same reply issues as well.

That's strange, reputation doesn't change quickly though I can see my latest reputation showing up alright. As for post values, there was change to show only pending payouts. After payout I have noticed values showing only zero which might be confusing, so will improve that on next update. Could you give more details of reply issue?

The same... as usual, I reply on the app and it states that it was successful, but it does not appear.

Oh it looks like post is not refreshing after reply. Would it show up if you leave post and come back?! I have noted that on github to work on upcoming version.

Thanks... it sometimes does sometimes not, sometimes it takes 4 or 5 attempts, then it sticks... but sometimes I do not stick around after the first.

That's not good, seem to be broadcasting lag. I will make sure to check this. Thank you for the details!

As for the rep, it ticks up (or used to like 67.1, 67.2...), but it has been stuck at the same level for many weeks.

Yes today someone also reported this! Working on fix.

You work hard... thanks.

Looks great, Just saw it will ink it around I like the style and the way you are handling it. Thanks for supporting the community and giving a dollar here and there :) Add me for translations :) BTW GREAT APP truly at least 3-4 times better than steemit at the moment.

I have to ask did you see the post by @kus-knee about Steemstagram :D since you are a developer I have to ask would a side-chain like golos work well and could your app be made to work with such I'm guessing it would be easy to make a different design and use the same code for most of the operations again great app and I will post it to a friend or two looks great on mobile :)

Thank you! Golos is integrated since last update and with coming version this integration is improved. Would mind giving link to that post? I have seen steemstagram ideas and know couple developers who are working on it, but not heard any release yet.

yes it seems like it's still coming soon

I haven't followed the developers so I'm not sure what they are up to, there is a video hosting platform in the making too all that is left for me is to see a ACTUAL editor and reader since that is the most important part for me at least. We have already those apps in different places it's nothing new to clone a idea. It's far different to make something new. And incentivizing reading would incentivize writing and communication for sure, bu those information highways are frying my brain with so much talk :D even as it stands :D

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