Happy to have discovered steem! Let me tell you why

in #esteem5 years ago (edited)

I will have to go back some years to explain to you why!
I have been blogging on and off since the beginning of 2006. Yep that is almost 13 years!
I did have 2 blogs running. 1 of course with sports betting related content and the other was about me learning Texas Holdem Poker.
The sports betting blog has 261 posts, the poker blog 231 post.

While I did enjoy writing the post, the interaction I did get on both blogs were almost non existent! But still I kept going on. There were more like diaries than blogs!
I wasn’t in it for the money! In those 13 years I have earned €8.52 via google adsense! That’s is around €0.01 per post.

Not only I tried blogging I also did create a twitter account. Also here the main topic was sports betting!
And twitter was a great success! A whopping 29 followers! What about that! If you want to push the count to thirty, here is the link: https://twitter.com/FullCoverBet
I have to admit that the reactions on twitter were much better than expected! I am still using twitter to promote posts on Steem and Scorum!

And then Steem came around

I have been blogging on Steem now for 13 months! The interaction I am getting is mind blowing. I think I can truly say that I did made some friends!
During the dark days (the first month on Steem) just like on blogger the reaction were zip, 0, nothing. You can get the picture I guess.
But I kept going on. For me there was no difference between blogging on Steem or on Blogger.
What makes it easier on Steem is the feed, the interaction with other people and so on!
The things I was capable to achieve in these last 13 months are amazing and are far better than my expectation, which were 0!
I did understand for the start that Steem isn’t a get quick rich scheme! So making money wasn’t my focus! And still isn’t!

It is just a great place to hang out, to read opinions about lots of different things! It is addictive at least for me!
The good thing for me was that I did came from a blog which wasn’t read anyway, which made it easier for me to keep on going regardless of the upvotes or interaction.
I did create the interaction myself on the other blogs I was reading and following! Remember that each genuine comment you write can and must be considered some kind of advertisement for yourself!
Yes, Steem has it a flaws. But still we are all still here aren’t we and we are enjoying ourselves!
Beside that I do think that my blogging skills have improved (a lot)!

Together with some other we did create our own Steem Sports Betting community, which has a very vived and alive discord channel! Glad to be on there! Maybe my greatest achievement here on the Steem Blockchain.
I am still the founder a forum on the internet somewhere which is 10 years old and still going. Also proud on that, but this is different!

We have some many great things going on here! More and more interface to the steem blockchain are used. Everybody has its own favorite. There is always an interface that will suit you! For me at the moment on number 1 is @esteemapp, second is busy.org. But I am also planning to use @partiko or others. You will have to try them to know if its suits you or not!

I only have 2 problem or regrets!

  1.   I didn’t discover steem sooner :(
  2.   I did start playing [Steemmonsters](https://steemmonsters.com/?ref=fullcoverbetting) which is pretty addictive!

Blogger blog reactivated

I decided last week that I will also reactivate my blogger blog. Why? It is a place where all things come together. While I am not in it for the money I can try to make a small second income with the blogs on Steem and Scorum!
It is also a great way to promote Steem and Steemmonsters! We can write all the good stuff about Steem here on our Steem blogs, but how genuine will this look if stumbling on a steem page bragging about steem or steemmonsters!
There are a lot of people out there who still are stuck with their regular blogger or wordpress blogs not earning a single dime.
How great would that be if we can some of them to the Steem Blockchain! I can show them that with some persistence you can earn a small cent here!
At the moment my wallet is worth $402. I did write around 600 posts. That is an average earning of $0.67 per post! A post about this outside steem is more valuable because it looks more genuine!

The blog which will be used for this is: http://dremeber-mybets.blogspot.com
Feel free to have a look and suggest some improvements! Because I really suck as frontend designer! If you are there, feel free to click on a adsense link J

How happy are you that you have stumbled on Steem? Would like to hear!
And are trying to do anything to promote it outside Steem?




I am also encouraging you to use your twitter account to not only tweet out your own posts but to also tweet other's you read and comment on during your day. Use the #Steem to get more eyes to the platform.

How are you doing on Scorum? We lost one great Steemian to that platform. He is doing very well there. I am just not interested in Sports so it is hard for me to get going ...

Who did we loose to Scorum?

I am, euhm, doing awesome on Scorum. Do have a rather big account compared with steem.

Indeed I should retweet also great posts from other account. Will take that in mind. Thanks for opening my eyes!


He is @deaconlee on Steem and I have to remember his name on scorum. Super nice guy! I really need to see if I can find my login and take a look again - but only so many hours in a day :)

Thanks I do know who he is now.

I used to blog on blogger site before. Now I am on Steemit and other platforms like Scorum. I love the journey of blogging. Thank you for sharing your journey.

See you around, @fullcoverbetting!

It is pretty hard to make a living from a blog and is not always but you need to enjoy the process on the first place. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Good post man! I enjoyed it.

Thanks! Also thank you for the resteem! Very much appreciated!

This is a great story to hear as it demonstrates the potential to attract the millions of blogs that exist and have the same challenges! I have that the plug-in SteemPress is a good way to integrate your outside blog (it may have to be with Wordpress though, not sure) to your Steem account. It would allow visitors to engage with and open Steem accounts to earn Steem. I think it is a great idea that we all reach out to bring opportunities to those that have not realized the potential that Steem provides.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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We're blogging because we like blogging and it's kind our diary like you said. Steemit gives us an opportunity to store memories forever and maybe in 20 years we'll sit with kids and show them our digital album full of stories :)

Steem is something that changed my life style. I am really glad I discovered it. It revived my passion, get to practice on writing, pushed me out to explore our area and discover new things. But so true it is not a get rich quick scheme. I checked your blogging page and it looks good, hope you get to earn from it.

Thanks. Also glad, but it can be very time consuming. Sometimes it is hard to stay away or do some usefull task in the house :)

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