
Hah! I do that everyday at the Indian shops! Now it's really hell for me!

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never take empty stomach. First take some little food, break fast then enjoy it with less harm.

Noted. We got many south Indian shops here. Sometimes I go to Punjab shops also, but generally the Punjab shops are more premium 😂 Over here, the north Indians speaks much better English, whereas the south Indians they're not less competitive, but heavier accent. And me, speaks broken English to them regardless 🤣 I just want my teh tarik 😍 Sometimes I found myself speak in Tamil 😂 apologies if any offense. I know there are much cultural difference in India, but that's all I have for you guys 🙂

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Great but you could have better food in Panjabi restaurant, however SouthIndian foods are sour.

Yes yes. The flour made pancake, does it call chappati? Is very fragrant and taste marvelously good with the cooked courli flowers.😍😍😍

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Yes you are almost in right place.

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