in #esteem6 years ago (edited)
The basis of life is people and how they relate to each other. Our success, fulfilment and happiness depend upon our ability to relate effectively -an excerpt from the book, how to be a people person.

How we relate to people really matters a lot in life, it either creates a good impression or bad one. What we do simple reflects who we are.

Most times as humans, we may not realize at that particular point in time that the first impression we create stick in the mind of people we interact with, irrespective of where we find ourselves, our behavior, comportment and manner should not in any way create a negative impression. This does more harm than good.

The golden rule

Right from my tender age, I have always been hearing the word golden rule, but the deeper meaning of the phrase was not so clear. My quest for knowledge landed me safely to what actually it means. The major key to relating to others is simply putting yourself in someone else's place instead of putting them in their place

Treat people the same way you want them to treat you

The rule is simple, most times we do things to other people without putting into consideration their feelings. When you do that thing to the other person, how will you feel when same is reciprocated towards you. If it will feel Good, then do it but if otherwise, then desist.


Leaders always make the needs and feelings of their subjects as their priority. Leaders have emotions, they feel what their subject are passing through.

If you want people to act right toward you, then all you have to do is act right towards them. The best way to strengthening the heart is reaching down and lifting people up. You can be the happiest person on this planet earth by investing your time in others. The unhappiest people are those that wonder how the world is going to make them happy.

Treat others as you want them to treat you, no matter the leadership position you occupy in life, remember you cannot remain there for ever, one day someone else will take over from you. Treat them as if they are very important and they will respond according to the way you perceive them.

Listen to them

One thing I have realised in leadership is that, the more people gain power or authority, they tend to often develop a lack of patience in listening to those under them. A deaf ear is the first indication of a closed mind. We are humans and this is definitely bound to happen but how well we control it manners a lot.
Power intoxicates, the higher people go in authority, the less they are forced to listen to others.

Standards of leaders

Leadership is a calling, only the few are really called to it. Leadership sets a standard, the higher the standard, the more effective the leadership.

According to Fred smith

leadership is influence that is simple but profound : a person may have a position of leadership, but if he is not affecting the thoughts and actions of others, he is not a leader

The emergence of leaders conforms to the law of supply and demand. Difficult times produce peolpe who will rise to meet challenges.

Until next time, thanks for reading

Image used here is from pixabay


Be a people person by John C. Maxwell

Understanding other's feelings and listening to others is very much in order to improve ourself. Nice one.

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