Kura-kura Berjanggut - The Bearded Tortoise ~Elephants~ Bilingual

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit Fellows!


How's your weekend? What do you do for the Earth today? I will once again present you the coming soon Novel : The Bearded Tortoise! This is an interesting promo that I captured from The Author's Facebook. It is worth a try to find out more about the book. So, I hope my translation will help you to read some part of it.


Elephants are mentioned in the Bearded Tortoise, a lot (somehow the author is showing us about human behaviour in elephant's nature). A chapter describes the elephant's fighting to death, a common customs in Lamuri at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Those who had a great fighting elephant will raise their social status quickly, at that time. Elephant's fighting/duel awaited by the bookies of the Malacca straits countries. In addition for fighting, elephants are also used in the battle. To ensure the availability of such elephants, The Illegitimate Son issued The Elephants Law 1609. (snippet from Yusi Avianto Pareanom's page, The Book Editor).


The Elephant Law 1609
After the second failure, nobody dared to talk about Melaka's conquest expedition in front of The Illegitimate Son. He looked so upset. He's reflected in the garden of pleasure (Taman Ghairah in Aceh) for days. He's thinking about his misfortune facing the Hell's Bar, and rumoured that he's only playing with a pair of tamed deer and feeding his swans in that garden. Out of the silence of the garden, he issued a new rule, The Elephant's Law 1609.


The Elephant's Law 1609 replaces the old rule which is formulated about a half century earlier, it governs matters relating to the hunting, breeding and ownership of elephants, which one of the article has only been changed once, during the reign of Sultan Awaluddinsyah. Sultan was severe pressure from the jurists who were worried about the spread of a new religion which is brought by the people around Tokieong Long (Native name of Great Nicobar, The southernmost and largest of the Nicobar Islands of India, North of Sumatera) whose well-known as the best elephant's handlers in the world. The Law delimited that only those who came from the islands around Andaman and those who could proof themselves to have had a blood relative with Kurawe Clans who may worship the elephant. Beyond that they will be fined or imprisoned.


Meanwhile on the hands of The Illegitimate Son, the change was done to overcome the difficulties of getting the new elephants, after half of his elephants were drowning by the Johor man in Melaka. He assumed that the old regulation hampers his plans to rebuild his elephant's army of forces that had been the backbone of the expedition on land, previously, he needed dozens of other new elephants.

The jungles of Lamuri are famous with abundance of elephants, so that the honey seekers whose encountered with it would have to swear "they march like the ants". Whereas, when they mixed up the honey with coconut water so that the ants ate their false honey, the criminated *"greedy like a Siawang elephant" *.


Among the herds of elephants, it is not easy to find a Mundam elephant which is famous for its silky gaze and docile like a slave. Due to its rarely, the elephant's handlers, mostly fro Kurawe clan, believed that there was no need to hunt for this type of elephant, they will come to choose their own masters. Mundam elephants are preferred for all battles, because they can maintain the trust and faithfully to the handlers, and walk straight as ordered. This type of elephant also has a high artistic taste and appreciate the ornaments like a sultan's concubine. It is not startled easily and knew where to defecates or spit.


The regulation was greeted with joy by the elephant's handlers. Soon after, they entered the jungle, put a trap in the elephant's trajectories, the mysterious and ancient paths where the elephant's roam in the wild. A few months later some groups of elephant's hunters were carried their preys. Within a year, amongst those sixty captured elephants, only two of them are Mundam elephants. The rest of its were Siawang type of elephant which is famous for its insolence. The elephants were accommodated in the sultan's enclosure, too many so that the chief of the cages should have to widen the elephant's breeding areas three times larger than before.


A siawang elephant has never been preserved before, unless hunted for its ivory, skin and flesh. This elephant has a look as bad as their nature. Stocky, short and slouchy. It takes years to train this type of elephant, even for the most experienced handler in order to teach it line up neatly, walking straight and not easily distracted by the smells of the female elephant.

After the enclosure has full, The Illegitimate Son challenged the elephant's handlers to train its. If, the handlers succeed in turning the elephants into the killer the way he wanted, cruel but obedient, within two years, He will guarantee that they live a life like a Regent. Otherwise, if they failed to improve the skills of the elephant's in two years, the elephant's handlers must be ready to be a forced Labour at the gold mining for three-years. Many elephant's handlers accepted the challenge, some of them even came from the islands around Tokieong Long.


Well.. It is really interesting, isn't? I can't help myself not to share more and more about this book even though I have to wait for it a bit longer (I will have this book at the beginning of May, 2018).

Bagaimana akhir pekannya? Bikin apa utk bumi hari ini?. Baiklah, sekali lagi saya akan posting tentang buku kura-kura berjanggutnya si Azhari Aiyub. Saya kaptur tulisan ini dari fbnya Azhari, bagian dari promosi lah, tapi sukarela. Baru baca kutipan aja udah nggak sabar lagi nunggu selesai cetak. Jadilah, begini saja. Semoga saja terjemahan bebas ini nggak bikin kacau makna tulisannya, aamiin.



Nyaan nak jai, long meungen lelong, nak tamah jai

Jeut.. Makasih beuh

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