A Beautiful Sunday With An Unpleasant End!

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Inspired by #sublimesunday a tag from @c0ff33a and #beautifulsunday (hosted by @ace108) plus a beautiful day of Sunday! Thanks for the wonderful idea. You probably had it on a Sunday.

A beautiful day, we can have a nice day anytime, but the biggest chances are on Sunday. Of course, because it's like a holiday! So for me, almost all Sundays are beautiful even if I stay at home. Many times these days are the most beautiful, but when something new comes in, I can say that I had a sublime day.

Most often the difference is made by a trip, visiting friends or watching shows or museums.

Sometimes unexpected events.

My Sunday started with the usual homemade coffee ...


Today we hurry, we go to visit a friend who has a house in the country. Our children come to take us there. One hour driving!


We have arrived. We're on the real grass, away from the big cities. The fruits are in the trees, not in the supermarket.



The flowers are healthier, colorful, shiny ... they feel good.


Our good host awaits us with natural goodies, freshly picked fruits and boiled corn. Very tasty and soft.



Discussions, memories and stories are more enjoyable at the table. That's why we met, thanks to a beautiful Sunday, to enjoy each other. Everyone with his pleasures ... Men with a drink, even a Bloody Mary, women with cats and fruits and juices.




When it's good and pleasant time passes very quickly!

Hunger is near us. We have to make the usual grill. It's already a tradition, wherever the green grass comes ... the grill also appears. It's the easiest way to cook ... but sometimes, because of inattention, the meat is kind of burned.


Someone was very impatient to have the food ready...



... but it's not the only one!


The food is ready, pretty late ... However, everyone had his own portion.


As I said before:

When it's good and pleasant time passes very quickly!
After a pleasant meeting and a good meal, good drinks what can we say, than that it was a very beautiful Sunday.

A flower and goodbye, we go home!


However, the day didn't end with this pleasant meal taken with friends away from the city. When I got home I was summoned by other friends to a demonstration.

A demonstration in support of democracy in Romania, a demonstration against the corrupt government.

A demonstration by over one hundred thousand participants, mostly Romanians who work abroad and who now have returned home to visit their families.

We have to go! The streets of the city near the government building are full of people who go, like us, to the demonstration.


The square is full of people, women, men, families with children ... very many young people. Very beautiful people. Looking at these people I felt great, my day became sublime! I felt we had a future. Our country has a future for these young people!




I was excited to see the people who participated, some respectable ladies next to the young. Because of the emotion I couldn't take the picture very correctly, excuse the quality of the images!


Also, artists and music stars, very loved by the youngsters, participated. In the pictures below is Tudor Chirila, leader of the band Vama and sworn in the Voice of Romania contest.



A musical piece with Tudor Chirila!

After a few hours I went home. Somewhere outside the area where the demonstrators were, I saw gendarmerie parties waiting. They stood still and ignored us.




We passed them and went further to the house.


I got home and I saw on television that those gendarmes were acting forcefully. They attacked the demonstrators, they were violent ... over five hundred people were injured. This ended a beautiful day that at one time was sublime and was destroyed by these bastards.


Posted using eSteem Surfer


Corruption everywhere!

Yes, but to us more than to others!

I want to focus on the beauty of your day first because nothing can take that away from you. How wonderful to have friends to break bread with and have wonderful conversations with, the gentle feeling of the heart, having another in which to do this with.

I cannot imagine a life without friends. Distance means little.

I know what you mean, being able to grow the trees and the gardens and have so much green in contrast to the cities, but, each has its perks. One of the reasons you probably live in the city.

The demonstrations are a necessary way of life sometimes. Letting the voices be heard. That the gendarmerie becomes violent is just another way of control over the people. A totally disgusting ending to a peaceful protest.

Hi, Dan!

Totally agree with what you say! I would have made the same comment as you, but not so well. I agree with what you say about friends ... the most wonderful thing in the world.

I love how you word everything. My Romanian stinks, but, your English is better than some Americans, so ha!

Friends make the world go round. How lonely it would be without them.

Thank you for what you say and what you think about me. Romanian is a small and insignificant language, it's a wonder you're interested.
I have to say again that I totally agree with what you think and say about friends. I also know people who have no friends, their lives are poor and they are generally selfish people.

Good one hour drive for the free fruits, great food and nice chat with your friends. I'm sure it was a good day.

Thank you for your comment. You have right, it was a beautiful day!

you're welcome

Nice captures, shame about the ending though. Devastating

Thanks! Yes, it ended bad...

A day with good friends is worth a drive, especially when you have chauffeurs to carry you.

And what more can you ask for, fresh fruit and veg from the gardens and an amazing BBQ. I always cook my BBQ meat until it is is nearly fully carbonated, that way I can be sure it's not going to pass on any nasties and I'm quite sure that charcoal is good for the digestive system - keeps me regular anyway!

Such a shame the day was ended with peaceful protests broken up very unpeacefully - two wrongs don't make a right.

Thank you for sharing your bitter sweet day for #SublimeSunday , not every day can be totally full of joy but this one certainly had more then it's fare share.

#thealliance #witness

Thanks for taking the time to read. I agree that the fried meat is better than the one in the blood. I admit that charcoall is good for digestion. Yes, it was a full day and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to share it here!

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