Essentia ICO Reviews #3 – Features for Individuals and Companies

in #essentia6 years ago

You have learnt from the previous article that Essentia is a reliable platform initiated by a great team. It has a well-organized roadmap that focuses on the software development, hardware development, and public plans. The benefits for users have been also discussed. Now, it is time to take a look further on the features offered by Essentia network and how these features are used by the users.

Essentia Features

There are at least six key features of Essentia. The first one is a modular feature. What does it mean? It means that the Essentia framework is designed to be expanded to suit the users’ decentralized life that's never stopped growing. Essentia will keep adding software to the platform. That is why if you see the roadmap, you can see lots of software being developed. Second, Essentia is scalable. Essentia is able to give supports to millions of users at the same time. Besides, the platform supports full data ownership. In other words, the users can regain control of their data and property. They have freedom on what to do with their personal data and digital identity.

Furthermore, Essentia is a kind of multi-chain and multi-device platform. For instance, it supports various blockchains such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and many others. Most devices can also work well with this platform whether they are CLL or IOT. That is this platform is also called as a versatile platform. It is all in one seed. Inside the platform, there are countless applications. Additionally, the platform offers KYC and GDPR by default. This benefits both users and companies. The verifications mechanisms can be fully and safely enhanced so you do not need to risk your privacy and data.

Use Cases

Who will use the platform and how they will use it? Essentia platform is intended for individuals, companies and other platforms built on Essentia. Let’s start with individuals first. Users can use the platform by logging into it first. There is eLogin that they can use seamlessly enter the website and dApps. Insecure passwords are not necessary here. New users have to go through KYC procedures so that they can securely send and store their data to the decentralized platform securely.

Companies can use Essentia to get GDPR compliance solutions. Users are able to ask the platform to remove their data from the platform. There are also Oracles designed for smart contracts. This allows insurance companies, banks, and other financial companies to make interaction each other and prompt asset annexation without the need of intermediaries as long with certain conditions applied. That is how individuals and companies can use the platform.

ESS Token Sale

The information about the ICO date cannot be found on the whitepaper and the website. The complete information is available on social media. You can follow its Telegram and Twitter because, via these social media, the latest updates are informed. You don’t want to miss the upcoming sale, right?



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