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RE: Part 3: It's Alive! Gender Neutrality Transhumanism & The Synthetic Evolution

in #esoteric7 years ago

I have to wonder whether this is indeed a consciously devised and executed plan or merely something that human beings have been genetically programmed for?

Perhaps it was different in past generations but I look around me today and see that the vast majority of humanity is lucky to be able to from relatively cogent sentences and not shit themselves (in public).


Hey @theblindsquirl I can see where you're coming but equally "genetically programmed" also hints at some form of higher motive, a grand plan ;)

I wrote the below words in a previous post as I really think that cycles of time directly affect human consciousness and cognition. Equally the institutions we place our trust in and the vapid consumer culture that keeps this world economically spinning have drained the creativity and freedom of thought from many around us. If you (as in humanity not you lol) hand you mind over to allow others to do your thinking and define your reality then over time the ability to do either is slowly stolen from you. Anyway back to the cycles of time :D

The work put forward by Dr Valerie Hunt (former professor of psychology at UCLA) has given a tantalising insight into how consciousness could be affected by the celestial cycle. In several studies Hunt has shown that subtle changes in the earth’s electromagnetic field can dramatically alter the mental capacity, cognition and perceptual awareness of humanity.

Consciousness certainly appears to be profoundly influenced by both electromagnetism and subtle changes within fields of light. Indeed as stated by quantum physicist Dr Armi Goswami “consciousness prefers light”. I believe that the cyclical nature of our history is based upon the suns motion through space. This movement synchronises with the earth’s precessional wobble and this results in rising and falling stellar field interactions with the earth. I believe this process is directly linked to the mythological rise and fall of civilisation, perhaps over huge expanses of time.

Or something like that lol .. thanks for taking the time to read and comment it's much appreciated!

Thanks for taking the time to craft such thought provoking posts.

I believe that the cyclical nature of our history is based upon the suns motion through space. This movement synchronises with the earth’s precessional wobble and this results in rising and falling stellar field interactions with the earth.

Interesting theory.

I did a series of posts a few months back about Sir John Glubb's essay The Fate of Empires. He found a roughly 250 year life cycle common to the historical empires he had studied.

How long of a period does this precessional wobble occur on and could there be some kind of correlation?

Thank you for taking the time to read @theblindsquirl I know they are long posts :) Now this is actually really complex because the precessional cycle occurs over (from memory) approx 25,800 year scales (give or take a hundred years or so) but within this huge expanse of time there are cycles within cycles. Kind of like cogs within cogs in an expensive watch. So one degree of precssion is 72 hence 3 degrees would be 216 years which isn't actually that far out. Outside of this you also have lunar cycles and and really poweful lunar cycles occur every 230 years. As we all know even a standard full moon affects metabolism and even human psyche, this can actually even be observed in cycles on the stock market etc. So equally a large 230 year lunar cycle could easily have a prfound effect on society? These precessional and lunar/solar cycles mathematics were incorperated into many ancient structures indeed the Giza pyramid is a mathematical masterclass of time and precession, as were many Mayan structures. They appear to have profoundly understood the affects these cycles had upon their civilisation. I hope this very brief overview makes sense, it's a really complex subject. Thanks again my friend!

The Giza pyramid is an interesting example.

I've actually been to Giza and was immediately struck by the realization that the people who live there now certainly weren't capable of producing anything as elaborate as the pyramids.

I was also struck by the number of broken flip-flops littered everywhere

Image Source
and the smell of burning plastic.

Humans are an interesting species.

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