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RE: Part One: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods & The Rise Of The Black Nobility

in #esoteric6 years ago

Hey my friend, really glad you enjoyed the post. The Nazi gold scandal is an incredibly complex and convoluted tale and as such is not easily answered in one comment, but I will expand upon it as the series moves forward.

On July 23, 1997, The L.A. Times revealed that documentarians from the television network A&E had discovered proof in the Vatican Bank's archives of a Nazi gold scandal. Specifically, they uncovered a memo amid a trove of already declassified material that totaled over a million pages. The documentarians were the first to thoroughly sift through the humongous cache of information.

The memo had been composed by former U.S. Treasury Department field investigator Emerson Bigelow. After the Second World War, Bigelow conducted several investigations throughout Europe. This is when he purportedly connected with a viable source that could link the Vatican Bank directly to Nazi gold. Bigelow outlined all of this information in his memo that, for an unknown reason, was never received.

Washington, 3 June 1998 (RFE/RL) -- A new U.S. study on what happened to gold looted by the Germans in the Second World War, presents new findings on the use it was put to, but raises more troubling questions about the role of the Vatican, the behavior of so-called neutral countries and the unknown fate of Croatian Ustasha treasure.

The 200-page report, released Tuesday, includes a special section on what a senior U.S. official called "the strange story of Ustasha gold."

Those were the words of U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Stuart Eizenstat, chief coordinator of the report, introducing it at a press conference Tuesday.

A case was originally brought before the U.S court system in 1999 and fought until 2009 when the Vatican were successfully able to argue that the case was dismissed on the grounds of sovereign immunity, indeed as I show in the post the Vatican is a country in itself .. and this is a formation that enables them to evade the law. The investigations are still open but due to this loophole justice still remains elusive.

Then in 2009 the bank of Italy began to investigate the Vatican for violating banking rules and this once again opened the door for a suit against the Vatican for the stolen gold. Following the bank of Italy's investigation the Vatican set up a financial investigation authority, but again this appears to be above the law, and above any intervention by the EU .. indeed its formation appears to aid the Vatican immensely, strange eh? There are many investigations and civil actions taking place, including one by Dr John Levy and a canon law petition was filed earlier this year directly with Pope Francis .. several investigations have focused upon the Swiss connection to the Vatican and indeed gold that went missing once it is said to have reached Switzerland.

Below is sworn testimony by U.S special agent Gowen:

Here we can see some of the Nazi gold was held at the Catholic shrine of Fatima:

And here are some official documents that look into Switzerland's part in it all (remember they are all connected) and indeed the Swiss have made settlements to that effect:

For now I'll leave it there, but I will be back .. thanks again @skytrex


Thank you for the long reply! Gonna read some of the links and wait for your upcomming posts about this topic (it might deserve one on its own for sure!).

No problem my friend, as is highlighted by this post .. I'm not one for short replies :) Plus this series has also envisaged as having ten parts.

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