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RE: That time I floated out of my body...

in #esoteric6 years ago

Another totally fascinating comment! Narcolepsy seems to be a very difficult condition to live with. I read a book about it recently: "Sleepyhead" by Henry Nicholls. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. He talks about various sleep conditions in the book, including sleep paralysis, which I've experienced once, and it was very scary. It certainly casts an interesting light on these sleep phenomena.
Lucid dreaming is something I would love to do more of. It fascinates me. I always wonder if I could use it in a therapeutic way - eg, I have a phobia of spiders. Maybe I could ask my subconscious where that fear comes from, or re-train my subconscious not to fear spiders.
It's funny that you love running in your dreams, but not in "real life", whatever that is! Dreams fascinate me.
And yes, getting a Pirelli calendar is one thing; giving it to your elderly parents is another, and then them actually putting it on their living room wall...

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