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RE: Part 3: It's Alive! Gender Neutrality Transhumanism & The Synthetic Evolution

in #esoteric6 years ago

Sorry I am late to read this. Although being late I see how this post got 140 comments therefore there are like minded people out there. The comments here are as engrossing as this post.

I am commenting to say briefly what came to me as I read this page

  • I have not heard it before but like your theory about the chemtrails/space fence/5G/HAARP linking us up. Definitely feasible. I have thougth about the hologram screen laid up there. Like some UFO invasion to be screened. Ala "War of the Worlds" radio experiment. I honestly don't know besides the fact that "technology" us unnatural.

  • plastics are a product from the petroleum industry.

  • Feminising men. Here in Australia for a few years now it is mens fashion to not shave and have long beards. I was thinking perhaps this is to show that that they are masculine because they subconsciously feel feminine nowadays.

  • Recently I saw a TV advert when I was visiting someone. It was sponsored by the Australian government and it was all about pushing women power. "Power up girls" and slogans like this. I only caught the gist of it in a quick snippet. At the end came up the government sponsor message like an election advert has. At the time I thought Wtf was that? Knowing full well. Yet so in your face now.

  • David Icke I read alot of but like you dont adhere to one person knowing everything. Icke is right about somethings. In the end Icke has no answer except to lay down and give over to peace and love. Hmmm Hancock is excellent archeology wise. Then there are other links with books by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. All wonderful ways to spend time reading but in the end we never really know what is certain. I don't think.

@perceptualflaws I am slowly going through your past blogs. I love your topics and the way you write. Pushes me to think even broader.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to read and leave a great comment @izzynoel I always reply ... eventually ;) Yes an ionised sky would certainly make it easier to project some form of image .. like you say the infamous "Project Bluebeam" fake alien invasion is certainly one contender.

Yes after years of ingesting gender-bending chemicals (that men have been shown to be more susceptible to) suddenly the concepts of "gender neutrality" and the feminising of men are everywhere, coincidence? Certainly the research papers I listed in the post and references would appear to suggest some correlation. Equally, at the same time they appear to be instilling the worst virtues of men in women .. I feel this is being done to unbalance who we are, break us down and then build us back up in the required image.

Yes, I've read a fair few books/ancient writings and authors over the years .. but eventually, you have to follow your own instinct and intuition .. and I have spent many years learning to trust both. I will delve far deeper into the nature of reality in my post for next week, time to put a few of these ideas on the blockchain ;)

Thanks for the kind words and support .. I really appreciate it.

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