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RE: Early Chilean Baptists Supported by Libertarian Ones from America

in #escapeamericanow6 years ago (edited)

Errata: A few weeks after publishing this article, I found that the following statement was partly incorrect (but Steemit rules did not permit changing the article): "...according to the biography Wenceslao Valdivia: Primer Bautista Chileno (1947). This book was written by his son, Pamela's maternal great uncle, Pastor Isaías Valdivia Sanhueza in Valparaíso....Isaías, who was the founding pastor of the first Baptist church in Valparaíso (1936), eventually went to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary for further training and never returned to Chile." I made an inquiry to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and they confirmed by email that Isaías was with them "from 1926-1932. It appears that he received a two-year certificate in Missionary Training in 1928 and a three-year diploma in Christian Training in 1933." Their records also show Isaías was a high school graduate and, since Chilean Baptist pastors’ kids studied for free with the school set up by missionaries in Temuco, it is plausible that Isaías graduated from there and also learned to speak English there. The seminary record, graciously provided by seminary Registrar Shaun Grunblatt on April 24, 2018, puts Isaías going to New Orleans at age 27, a few months shy of 28, studying (in English) for five years at the Baptist Bible Institute (that was the seminary’s original name before being changed to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in 1946) where he earned the aforementioned two undergraduate credentials, then returned to Chile to become the first pastor of the First Baptist Church of Valparaíso on March 15, 1936 and later wrote the book about his father from that same city in 1947. Church records from Valparaíso and indicate that he was married to an American named Oline Gregory (sometime after the 1930 Census was taken where she was listed as being single) and that their first child Jerry returned to Chile with them, when the couple apparently had another son, Jaime. The Valdivias returned to the United States in 1947 or in 1951 (just after the new church building was inaugurated). During his first nine-year stint in the United States, Isaías was involved in (perhaps a Hispanic ministry with?) Coliseum Place Baptist Church in New Orleans. He apparently lived the rest of his life in the United States, dying in his wife's hometown of Grayson, Texas on December 1, 1978, although that fact has yet to be confirmed. Note that Isaías Valdivia was born in Gorbea (near Temuco) on January 7, 1898 (U.S. Social Security records say 1897). He entered the Baptist Bible Institute on September 15, 1925. Some will wonder how His father was born only eleven or twelve years earlier than him (1886). The reason is probably that the Chilean civil registry did not begin until 1885 and thus there was no record of birth dates before then. If a family would arrive to register in 1886, all of their birth years would be the same, parents and children included, according to the official record. Since other evidence (including photographs) indicates that his father may have lived into his 70s, it is plausible that he was already twenty years old when he was "born" in 1886.


Correction: it was not a son, Jaime, but rather a daughter, Carolyn.

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